That Moment

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The sunny day made me feel troubled. It's autumn but there's no any wind at all

Everyone especially boys really hype up for this event and as promised, I came for seeing her running

I just walked without any sense of direction and saw many kids smiled with their parents

'even though I'm a kid too'

Maybe you don't know. Both of my parents are still alive. My mother lives in another country for work and my father always in his study room. It may sounds weird but I've never seen my father before. All I know that he is strict about our result. Even when I'm at my rebel phase before, he didn't come out to scold me. He always ordered his man to stay strict on me and scold me

Well, that's how my family works. Even I hate them, they're still my family. And besides, I will live on my own when I reach high school, so no big deal.

Just when I heard the announcer spoke via speakers, suwa-san poke me from behind, and greet me

"So you come after all"

"She desperately asked me"

Then he pointed to the chairs up front, "let's go there" with his smile

I want to tell him that it's not like I'm here for watching sister's match but decide to keep it for my self as I followed him to the unoccupied chairs

Seeing her in the last post, almost everyone talking about her

"That girl. Is she really that great?"

"It's ridiculous for her to win this!"

"I feel sorry for her team"

Even sister already won the match once, it's mainly because she's the oldest one back then and everyone thougt that she was lucky. I don't blame them though, since she never won any match later on

As the match still going on, the sky turned darker and the strong wind made me shivered

'I don't like this'

I don't know why the officials didn't stop them even though it's rain really hard. Maybe because there's no danger since there shouldn't be any transportation

When I saw sister finally running and still in the first place, I looked at the side and realize there's a truck moving

I feel like my heart will burst out if the beat didn't slow down any seconds and it really scare me

'Bad feeling'

Closed my eyes and gripped the bar in front of me, I finally made my mind and followed the truck, leaving suwa-san in confused

As I found the truck because I took a short road, I don't know why but it seems the driver didn't look okay since the truck move right and left

I still followed the truck in the middle of the rain even the truck is far from me

And I realize that it'll entered the track if the truck didn't turn

The feeling I had, turned to be right.

The truck entered the track and hit a runner who seem just passed the scene and didn't have quick reflex since it moving so fast

I who stopped because scared, running really hard and jumped at the fence who become the boundary for the runner and found some participants that stopped because of the incident and seems like they just arrive so they're all right

I fell on my knees, when I saw some of them pick up some truck's body so they can save the runner

And as you guess. It's my sister

No one predicted that this kind of accident occured on this day. No one. Even the runner thought they'll be okay even though it's not a car free day

My mind blank when they finally pick up unconscious sister and the ambulance finally entered the scene

The doctors quickly checked my sister and slightly panicked when she's not breathing

Of course because of sister's blood surrounded her body, the doctor shouted to prepare some blood and need a surgery room as soon as possible

After giving her some CPR, finally sister breathing even though it's too weak and they moved my sister body to the car

If you asked about the driver, he died. I heard that he had a heart attack while driving

The match was stop forcefully and suwa-san finally arrive at the scene and probably shocked about the incident and probably shocked too when he saw me crying

Yes, I was crying for a long time. Just like I told you before, even I hate them so much, they are still my family that can not be replace no matter what

And that hit me really hard. I cried loudly in suwa-san's shirts and he knew that felling, since he cried too

At that time, my hatred was completely disappeared


Bye bye,

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