Basic Letter "ㅇ"(Additional)

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Our new letter that we need to learn today is 'ㅇ'. We have two usage for the letter 'ㅇ' becaquse it can be use as Number 1 and Number 3.

First, if 'ㅇ' is placed at Number 1 in the syllable it is silent. Therefore, the first sound that is made is the vowel in Number 2.


일 = il

업 = eob

입 = ib

As I've said earlier, Number 2 is always a vowel so we use 'ㅇ' to follow that rule.

Second, if 'ㅇ' is placed at Number 3 it has the sound of "ng" as in "readiNG".


장 = jang

빙 = bing

공 = kong  

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