The girl at the beach

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Chapter 2
I woke up the next morning feeling dizzy puzzled how and when i fell asleep in my boxers i slowly walked into the bathroom looking at my self as i ran my fingers through my hair brushing my teeth and stepped to the curtains pulling it back,"another sunny day"i said to my self staring at the beautiful sun,beach and people there i saw a girl sitting by her self. I slowly stepped back closing the curtain going into the kitchen for some thing to eat.soon my Butler came down
"Well your up early sir let me get that for you"
"Oh thanks alfred" as i gave him the mug i went back to the window seeing the girl getting up from the spot she was.

"Another boring day at the beach", sabrina said getting up from the sand and placing her hand above her eyes as a shield for her eyes from the sun as she looked out to the endless point of the sea.she then decided to go take a swim.she diverted from where the crowd of people were then no one could see her but i.i watched her every move as the waves started getting bigger pulling her further out in the deep, she started to struggle while the waves kept crashing into her.they covered her like a blanket she came up after each struck battling for air,i ran out jumping down the stairs and tearing the door open alfred stood frightened wondering what was the matter i ran as fast as i could she was far out. i jumped into the water and started swimming finally i reached her slowly sinking i grabbed her and swum to the shore.slowly laying her down on the sand there were no movement coming from her.i started to give her CPR for 10 minute's still nothing i rested and looked into the sky i flatted my hands over my face saying to my self,"how did i make this one slip through my fingers" suddenly the girl started coughing water i jumped at her in relief Picking her up as she slowly opened her eyes glimpsing me then she shuted them passing people on the beach screaming"omg!!! I cant believe its antonio"others were curious what was i doing with that girl in my hands people came closer to take pictures as i sped up in my paste trying to get away from these people.finally reaching my home i closed the door shut climbing up the stairs with the girl,"Alfred!!,alfred!!"
"Yes sir"alfred said nervously
"Help me"as Alfred cleared the kitchen table resting her on it i did the CPR procedure once more.she started coughing the maids heard us and wondered what was going on alena came running,"what's wrong sir and where did this girl come from?"
"Please get her in some warm clothes"as i sat in relief,alena noded and took the girl up and went into the guest room. alfred then placed a cup of coffee infront of me "what happened sir"as i supped the coffee.i paused telling him about life strucked moment he smiled at me saying,"your quite a hero sir and you should feel great about that "patting me on the shoulder then he walked off. I sat there thinking to my self "yep a hero i am"then i walked into my room.

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