Right from wrong

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Right from wrong? what does that even mean? I mean we all should know what it means, but we all choose to do wrong. But it's up to us to do the right thing because this world is a very messy place, it's because of the way we view the world and also because of the way we use it.

We have to pick a role in this world. We have to choose if we wanna be right in this world or wrong, because the world is fulled with drama and pain because of the parts we choose to play in this world we choose to ignore the right and agree with the wrong because it might feel right in the negative atmosphere

Maybe just maybe this book will teach you, maybe it will capture you and have you in tears. Maybe this book will help you grow from your mistakes this book isn't to tell you what to do it's to give you advise and share many stories that's going on today that people choose not to speak about.

Maybe there afraid to speak up, but that's what this book is for it's to allow people to speak up and learn from their mistakes, but not only there's but somebody else's, A mother, father, an auntie or an uncle, a cousins a brother or a sister. You see a teacher doing wrong but do you speak up no.. because of fear or simple because you believe that it's not your business.

Always speak up even if your scared of your boyfriend, your mother, your father or even the neighbor somebody can be going through something worse than you but you have to be able to speak up not just for you but for that somebody that just might be going through the same thing as you or worse. when it comes to tragedy always think about the people that might be going through the same thing and are afraid to speak up. I know it might not be easy but you never know what speaking up will do for you, are the impact you will leave in somebodies life.

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