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I watched with Alison in my arms as Justin continued to argue with Scooter about moving in.

Hey , as much as I despised him right now for even threatening to take Alison away , my feelings hadn't subsided .

So it kinda hurt the way he looked so upset and distraught .

Suddenly the door slammed , snapping my out of my daze .

I looked up and noticed Scooter coming in my direction , Justin had left .

"Don't worry about him , hes just a little upset is all ." Scooter said ,trying to make me feel better .

"Its alright , he has every reason to be mad at me" I said , forcing a smile in his direction .

Scooter smiled "And whos this little princess?" Scooter said , kneeling down towards Alison , who was currently snuggled up in my side , playing with my hair .

Alison didn't say anything , she just giggled and snuggled deeper into my shirt .

"Shes shy" I said , scooter nodding before smiling at Ali again .

"Well , I guess I better go . Let me know if Justin doesn't come back soon" Scooter said , heading towards the door .

I lifted Alison up , escorting Scooter out and thanking him ,.

I sighed , well that was some morning .

"Lets go to the park okay?" I told her .

Alison nodded excitedly , clapping her hands as I took her upstairs , getting us both ready .

I sat Alison on the toilet and turned around , brushing my teeth and washing my face .

I turned around , grabbing Alison and helping her brush and tiny teeth before leaving the bathroom .

"Go pick out an outfit and bring it out here for me to see" I said , watching as her eyes lit up and she nodded happily .

"And no tutus" I said , making her pout .

I chuckled , walking into my closet and picking out an outfit .

I put on some leggings and a crop top , grabbing my toms to complete the look .

I put my hair in a bun on the top of my head , not really caring about how it looked .

I applied some mascara on my lashes , hoping ii would look more alive then I did .

To be honest I was completely drained , but I didn't want Alison to be miserable .

"I got it mwommy" I heard Alison's small voice say .

I turned around , laughing at her outfit .

She had a purple tutu (of course) , green leggings and a bright pink shirt with a ladybug on it .

"Okay , how bout we change the shirt and leggings , and you can keep the tutu?" I said , in which she agreed .

I sat on the bench watching Alison play around , and I couldn't help feeling inside of me .

Justin hadn't texted or called all say , and I didn't know what was going to happen after this .

"Look mommy!" Alison said , swinging on the baby swing .

I got up , standing behind her and pushing her lightly on the swing .

Alison squealed , happily clapping her hands as she went higher .

I couldn't help but laugh at her , she was my reason to push forward , to work harder .

She was my everything and I loved her so much .


I unlocked the door to our house , Alison was asleep in her stroller .

"Hello?" I said , seeing if Justin was home .

Dead silence.

I sighed , dropping my key in the cup and taking my hair out of its bun .

I took Alison out of her stroller , holding her in my arms and walking upstairs .

I gently placed her in her bed , in which she immediately cuddled into her pillow .

I sighed , completely exhausted .

I was only 18 and I was raising a baby by myself , it was hard work .

I closed her door lightly , jumping when I heard a knock on the door .

I quickly went downstairs , opening the door to reveal Justin .

He was looking down , two huge suitcases in my hands .

"Can I come in?" He asked , his voice softer than the last time he spoke to me .

I didn't know how to react , so I just nodded , moving to the side so he could come in .

"Thanks" Justin said , before setting his bags down and sitting on the couch .

I looked down at my toes , not really sure what to do at the moment ,.

"Um ,w-we have a guest room upstairs across the hall" I stuttered , not wanting him to lash out on me which I knew was soon to come .

"Um.." Justin started

Justin's P.O.V

"Scooter said we have to share a room , so we could make up" I said , watching her face for any sign of emotion but I didn't get any .

"Oh , okay then" She mumbled , glowing brightly with vulnerability .

I looked at Amanda , she looked so tired , but so amazingly beautiful at the same time .

Her hair was flowing around her head , making her look like a goddess , she had on pajama shorts and an off the shoulder top that I recognized .

I gave it to her when we were dating ,.

"You still have that shirt?" I asked her , completely shocked.

Amanda looked down , smiling slightly .

"Its comfortable" She responded , flashing me a small smile ,

I couldn't help but smile back , but my mind started working again and I realized what she had done .

I cant believe she hid our baby from me.

What person does that ? I mean sure I walked away but I thought she was lying ! I thought she just wanted me to stick around .

Amanda would never do that and you know it

My subconscious threw in my face .

I sighed , not really knowing how I felt at the moment .

"Is Alison sleeping?" I asked ,w atching as Amanda nodded

I went upstairs , going down the hallway until I saw "ALI" Printed on the door .

I opened it slightly , my heart jumping at the sight of my beautiful baby girl sleeping in her bed .

I let out a breath .

I cant believe I missed two years of her life . Her first words , her first time walking , crawling , her first everything . I missed it all .

I picked her up , her hands fisting my shirt immediately .

I smiled , Amanda used to do that all the time .

"Its okay baby girl" I whispered in her ear , "Daddys here . and hes never leaving you again" I said , kissing her forehead .

"It was you , you know" I heard someone say , making me look towards the door .'

"What?" I asked , confused .

"Her first words , they were daddy" Amanda said , walking towards me .

I smiled down at Alison . That's my girl .

"I have some videos of her , we could watch them tomorrow?" Amanda timidly asked , her big eyes peering up at me .

As much as I wanted to hate her , I couldn't help the feeling starting to resurface .

"Sure" I said , smiling at her

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