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Amanda’s POV-

I wrapped a towel around Alison’s small waist , before wrapping one around her hair .

She giggled as she looked in the mirror , claiming she looked funny .

I picked her up , opening the bathroom door and walking into our bedroom.

I saw Justin laying in bed , keeping a neutral expression on his face as he watched whatever was on the television.

He smiled beautifully when he spotted us , making my heart lurch in my chest .

“Hey” He said , making me smile back.

“Hi” I shyly replied , before wondering why I was so  shy in the first place.

“I can dress Ali , if you want?” Justin said , making me nod .

“Sure” I said , before kissing Ali on the cheek and walking out the room.

I had to admit , everything was still a little awkward from when I practically pounced on him the other day , but that didn’t stop my uncontrollable feelings towards him.


Justins POV

“I can dress Ali if you want?” I asked , hoping to break the awkward tension .

She nodded , before kissing Ali on the cheek and walking away .

Alison smiled at me , before jumping on our bed .

I went to her drawer and got out  a pair of underwear , blue shorts and a cute white tank top , before laying it out on the bed .

“Yeah?” I asked her , wanting to see if she liked it .

I smiled when she gave me a thumbs up

 “Cool”  I said , starting to dress her .


“There you go princess” I said , almost laughing at Alisons outfit choice .

She Was wearing a bright purple tutu , black leggings , a pink shirt and green flippers .

Lets not forget her yellow tiara and  pink wand .

“Im a pwincess!” She said , making me smile down at her .

“Yeah , you are a princess” I said , watching as she twirled around in circles.

“Lets go see what mom is doing” I said , moving down to pick her up.

“Wait” Alison said , moving away from me.

I furrowed my eyebrows .

“Whats wrong” I asked , kneeling down in front of her .

“I have a qwestion” She said , and I bit my lip , slowly nodding .

“Why aren’t you and mwommy in love?” She asked , making my heart drop.

I drew in a sharp breath , unsure of how to answer this .

“Mwommy and I are in a weird position right now” I said , trying to make this easy for her to understand .

“But , one day mwommy told me a stowy , and she said that mwommy and daddy lived happy ever after. Isnt mwommy and daddy supposed to be together?” She asked innocently , her big brown eyes staring into my identical ones.

I let out a breath “Ali-“

“If youre my daddy , then you should make mwommy happy” She cut me off , crossing her small arms .

I stayed quiet ,trying to gather my thoughts .

I couldn’t explain my feelings towards Amanda even if I wanted to .

My mind was so jumbled up and I couldn’t think straight .

I forced a smile in Amanda’s direction , before clearing my throat.

“I love mommy Ali , I do . I love you too , both of you . But things are hard right now okay? I promise you , mommy will be happy soon” I said , making a smile appear on her face.

She nodded , before giving me a quick hug and sprinting out the room .

I sighed ,before sitting on the edge of the bed .

I ran my hands through my hair . Alison was just like Amanda , stubborn .

She wouldn’t stop until she got what she wanted .

I knew what she wanted , and part of me wanted it too , not only for Alison , but because I had true feelings for Amanda.

I just didn’t want this blow up in my face .

“You alright?” I heard Amandas voice , the door creaking open .

“Yeah , just a little frustrated” I said , watching as she sat next to me .

“Yeah , its hard being a parent huh” Amanda said , making me look over at her again .

I couldn’t help but feel guilty .

I made her raise Alison by herself for two years , and ignored her calls when she tried to explain it all to me .

I nodded , watching her a little more intently .

Ever since Amanda kissed me , I’ve been feeling really weird around her.

Not a bad weird , but something I hadn’t felt since we dated .

From the way her blond hair fell over her shoulders and down her back, to the way her full lips pursed when she was thinking about something .

Or the way her green eyes had a glint in them when she was extremely happy , or the freckles scattered all over her nose, something about her just pulled me in each and every day .

And I wasn’t sure how I felt about that .

“Im sorry” Amanda said , pulling me away from my inspection .

I looked into her eyes , noticing they were filling up with tears .

“For what?” I asked , wrapping my arms around her on instinct .

Amanda buried her head in my shoulder .

“Im sorry for ruining your life . Your career , your freedom . Im so sorry” She cried , grabbing onto my shirt with her small fists .

“Hey” I said gently , tilting her chin up.

“Its alright , you didn’t ruin anything . If anything , you gave me the best thing that’s ever came into my life . Plus , I think we both contributed to making Alison” I smirked , trying to lighten the heavy mood .

Amanda giggled , before gazing into my eyes .

I wiped the tears from her eyes “We’re gonna be fine” I promised , before kissing her forehead .

Amanda opened her eyes once I pulled away , and she continued to stare into mine .

Before I realized what I was doing , I cupped her soft face in my hands , gently rubbing her cheek .

Amanda smiled , before we both started to slowly lean in .

My heart beat started to race as I felt her soft lips brush against mine , but before I could push my lips against her full ones , a phone went off .

We both sprang back , Amanda blushing brightly , before getting up and grabbing her phone .

“Its Jacob” She said , making me roll my eyes .

I sighed as she answered the phone , before walking out the room after shooting me a sympathetic smile .

Way to ruin the moment Jacob

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