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I watched as Amanda's eyes widened , before she looked away , her eyes filling with tears .

The sight caused my heart strings to pull.

"Amanda-" I started but she cut me off.

"I don't want to talk about it anymore "She said , making me sigh .

She never did

Before I could respond , Alison jumped in front of me , catching me by surprise .

"Can we go get some milk?" She asked ,her eyes wide.

I smiled at her , nodding before lifting her up and walking out the room .

Amanda's POV

I sighed , mentally thanking Alison for distracting Justin .

I put a pillow over my head before screaming into it .

I am so stupid , how did I let that slip out ?

He just makes me so angry , he thinks he can come into my house and treat me bad ?

Ugh why did I have to love him so much .

I groaned as I felt a light dip on the bed .

"Mwommy , Justin poured you milk for your cookies" She said , holding a small cup in her hands .

I forced a smile in her direction , before grabbing the cup .

"Thank you Ali" I said , setting the cup on the nightstand .

"Don't thank me , thank Jwustin!" She giggled , pointing at Justin who was sitting at the edge of the bed .

"Thanks" I muttered , not meeting his eyes .

"No problem" He said , the tension in the room growing .

"So , were going to finish this movie Ali and then were going to bed" I said , pinching her cheeks before starting the movie again.

Ali nodded , setting herself next to me .

"Jwustin , come sit next to mwommy!" Alison said , making me curse under my breath .

ReALLY Ali ?

"No , im fine here. Thanks though munchkin" He said , smiling at her .

I couldn't help but feel the sting in my heart knowing he didn't want to be near me , but I pushed it aside.

She shrugged , continuing to watch whatever it was we were watching , I forgot .

I kept stealing glances at Justin , barely paying attention to the movie .

After a couple of minutes , I looked down and noticed Alison was sound asleep , her cookie on her shirt and her thumb in her mouth .

I smiled , removing the cookie from her shirt before lifting her up , cradling her in my arms .

Alison's head immediately snuggled into my neck, making me smile.

I walked into her room , gently putting her in her bed before turning on the night light .

I kissed her forehead before tucking her in and turning off the light .

I walked out of the room , shutting the door and turning around .

I jumped back and covered my mouth when I saw Justin , who was right in front of me .

"You nearly gave me a heart attack!" I said , trying not to freak out from our close proximity.

"May I say goodnight?" He whispered , his breath fanning over my face .

I struggled to talk , nodding before clearing my throat .

"You don't have to ask , shes your daughter too" I said , moving to the side so he could go in .

He smiled small , making my heart lurch .

I watched as he gave her a kiss on the cheek before stroking her hair , whispering goodnight to her .

I jumped up when I felt someone lightly push my shoulder .

"Mwommy" Alison whimpered , making my stomach drop .

"What happen baby? Are you okay?" I asked her , bringing her in my arms .

"I had a bwad dweam" She cried , her small hands gripping my shirt

"Whats going on ?" Justin groaned , waking up to Alisons crys

"She had a bad dream" I said , rubbing my hand up and down her back .

"Do you want to talk about it ?" I asked her , but she shook her head , continuing to cry .

"Can I try?" Justin asked , looking over at me .

I thought for a moment . If I couldn't stop her crying , nobody could . But it was worth a shot .

I handed her to him , after prying her fingers off of me , and Justin kneeled in front of her.

"Hey Ali , want to know a secret?" Justin asked , Alisons ears perking up.

She nodded slowly , her sobs starting to make her hick-up.

"Well , I have this song written but nobody has heard it . Would you like to be the first one?" He asked , lifting her chip up.

Alison's eyes widened , she loved secrets .

"Okay , here it goes" Justin said , his eyes meeting mine .I tried to pull away , but I couldn't .

"I don't know how I got here , I knew it wouldn't easy . But your faith in me was so clear" Justin sang , his eyes not once leaving mine .

Alison stopped crying , her ears listening to every line of the song as Justin's heavenly voice flowed through the room.

"It didn't matter how many times I got knocked on the floor , you knew one day I would be standing tall. Just look me now" He sung , my eyes filling up with tears .

"Cause everything starts from something , but something would be nothing , nothing if your heart didn't dream with me . Where would I be , if you didn't believe"

I cupped my mouth , the tears falling freely as Justin sang to me .

Its been a long time since I've heard his voice , and its matured so much . It sounded beautiful

I continued to listen as he finished the last words,my mind jumbled.

I looked down to see Alison sound asleep again , making me smile at Justin . He was good .

"Ill take her" He said , picking her up and heading towards her room .

I didn't answer , to caught up in the beautiful lyrics that song held .

I jumped up , about to run to the door when Justin came in .

"Whats the matter?" He said , but before I knew it , I was leaping in his arms , closing the space between us .


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