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Justins hands went under my thighs , keeping me steady as our lips locked

“Woah Amanda” Justin said , pulling away from me.

I blushed deeply “Im sorry” I said , jumping out of his grip and turning around , but Justin grabbed my hand , pulling me back towards him .

“Hey hey hey” He said , as I looked down .

I have no idea what possessed me to do that.

“I-im sorry i-I didn’t mean” I started to blubber, but Justin cut me off by placing another kiss to my lips .

His lips were so captivating , so soft and plump and I nearly melted at the gentle kiss that was given to me .

“Its alright” He whispered , staring deeply into my eyes.

“Im sorry” I apologized , again.

“Stop apologizing” He said , smiling slightly.

I bit my lip , slowly looking up into his eyes .

“ I don’t understand , I thought you hated me” I said , confused with his mixed signals.

“I- I don’t know” Justin sighed , making my heart jump.

“As much as I hate what you did , its not entirely your fault and now that I have you , and Alison , I don’t want to let you go” He told me , his thumbs running over my flushed cheeks .

“Im-“ I started

“If you apologize one more time I swear” Justin chuckled , making me smile .

“That song was beautiful” I said

“I made it about you” He whispered , my heart fluttering at the thought of him making it for me .

I grinned , my eyes happily staring into his.

“So , are we going to make this work?” Justin asked , pushing my hair back from my face .

“ If you want to” I said , before our lips connected once again .


“Alison , Justin , come eat breakfast!” I said , finishing up the eggs and putting them on three separate plates.

I smiled when I felt Justin wrapped his arms around my waist from behind , kissing my hair .

“Smells good” He whispered in my ear , gently squeezing my waist

I really couldn’t describe the feelings that were going inside of me.

I mean , I was still hurt that Justin betrayed and left me while pregnant , but I was willing to see where this would go , because I honestly miss him so much .

I smiled up at him , handing him his plate before sitting in front of Alison on her high chair.

“Ready to eat?” I said , laughing as she nodded excitedly .

I blew on the eggs before feeding her , making sure it was warm and it wouldn’t burn her tongue .

After Alison was fed , I went upstairs and started the shower , getting ready to give her a bath .

“Mwommy?” Alison asked as I put baby soap in her growing hair .

“Yes baby?” I asked , continuing to scrub her small head as I she played with her toys .

“Do you like Jwustin?” She asked , making me smile softly.

“Yeah , I do” I admitted , watching as she giggled .

“Is he your boyfwien?” She asked , making my eyes widen

When the heck did she learn that word?

“Um , im not sure” I said , which made me think .

Are Justin and I dating?

I mean , we said we’d try and make this work but he didn’t ask me officially .

“Do you want him to be?” She said , looking up at me.

I sighed , washing the soap out of her hair “ I don’t know Ali , I like him but , he hasn’t asked me” I said , then laughed .

Im telling my two year old daughter my boy troubles .

“Well he is daddy right?” She said , making my heart jump

“Yeah , hes daddy” I replied softly , continuing to wash her body .

Alison didn’t reply , instead she started biting on one of her toys , completely distracted .

“Okay , lets get you dried and dressed!” I said , laughing as Alison started splashing water .

Justins P.O.V

The girls were taking forever and I was getting bored , so I decided to go check on them .

I slowly went up the stairs , hearing soft talking come from the other side of the bathroom door.

I slowly leaned my head on the door , listening to their conversation.

““Do you like Jwustin?” Alison asked , making me furrow my eyebrows , theyre talking about me??

“Yeah , I do” Amanda said , making me smile .

“Is he your boyfwien?” Ali asked , making my eyes widen.

Wow she was smart

“Um , im not sure” Amanda replied

“Do you want him to be?” Alison asked

“ I don’t know Ali , I like him but , he hasn’t asked me” Amanda said ,

I bit back my smile , she wants to be my girlfriend?

“Well he is daddy right?” She said , making my stomach flip. She finally thinks im her dad

“Yeah , he’s daddy” Amanda replied softly , making my love for her multiply

Alison didn’t reply , making me think about what goes on in that little brain of hers

“Okay , lets get you dried and dressed!” Amanda said , making me quickly move away from the bathroom door and into our room.


A/N - i have TERRIBLE writers block with this story , this is more of a filler :/ Please message me some suggestions of what should happen next ! ILYSM

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