Death wishes, and pixie disses.

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I remember my fifteenth birthday.

I refused to eat a slice of cake (390 calories), nibble on even a single potato chip (10 calories), and denied all offers for a sip of beer (17 calories)

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I refused to eat a slice of cake (390 calories), nibble on even a single potato chip (10 calories), and denied all offers for a sip of beer (17 calories). Instead, I chugged diet Coke and licked Splenda off my hand. I laughed as I chased Jordan's little sister, feeling lightheaded. I ignored it. I was only melting the pounds off.

I ran to the back of my house, while my family partied like they do. My mom laughed loudly, her cousin, TiTi, laughing louder, shouting about something involving condoms. Three of my friends followed me. Jordan, Dee, and Christopher May. We smoked cigarettes, and I indulged in coconut rum (260 calories). We passed around the stolen bottle and Jordan kissed Dee and May was shocked. I giggled, feeling woozy.

But I push these nostalgic feelings away, and step out of the shower. I attempted to focus on finding clean clothes. I wrapped the towel tighter around my body as I pushed the bathroom door open. I walked to the bunk room. Ashley was sitting on his bunk, and Andy was on the ground next to him.

"Do you guys happen to have any spare clothing? My stuff is dirty." I asked, not directing the question to either of them in particular.

"Uh..." Andy said. He leaned over and dragged his duffel bag closer to him. "Juliet was here last week, and she left some shit."

"Ya sure it's gonna fit me? I mean, she and I have very different body types..." I said, doubtedly.

"Yeah, I've noticed." Andy said, glancing up at me. He didn't look at my face. What is that supposed to mean? Has he noticed my body?

Probably not. It's nothing special. I'm over-analyzing it.

Andy pulled out some cartoony zombie leggings, a lime green bra covered in studs, and some bracelets. He stood up and piled them into my arms, then turned to look under one of the bunks. He pulled out a plaid shirt, a leather jacket, and some scary looking shoes.

Ashley bit his cheek. I'm pretty sure he knew what I was thinking. "Uh... Andy?" I said, and he dumped the clothes on the ground in front of my feet. He sat back down, and nodded. "I don't think this bra will fit me..." I said awkwardly.

"What? Why not?" Andy looked confused.

"Dude, do you know how bra sizes work?" Ashley asked.

"It goes small, medium, large, right?" Andy furrowed his brows as he looked us from side to side.

"No," I said. I quickly put the plaid shirt on over the towel, and slipped the towel out from underneath. "You have to measure around the-" I began, but Ashley cut me off.

"Okay," he said, and stood up beside me. "So, you got the underwhatever." He used his index finger to trace a half circle beneath my breast. 

"It's called the underband-" I tried to speak, but Ashley nodded, suppressing a laugh, and somehow continued in a serious face.

"And you've got the cup size. A is for Asian, B is for barely there, C is for content, and-" Ashley squeezed my breasts, "D is for DAAAMN!" He finished his oh-so-helpful lesson. I was just dying to attack him, but I couldn't bring myself to it.

Once the laughing died down, Andy asked, "So, why won't her bra work for Ryder?" He still looked confused.

"Because, Juliet's barely there, and Ryder is DAAAMN!" Ashley wiggled his eyebrows, looking at me.

"Psh." I said, trying hard not to smack him. Andy reached into his bag again, and found a hot pink sports bra. "That'll work." I said. "It stretches." I was about to put on the tights when I realized I didn't have undies. "Um, Ashley, got any clean panties?" I looked to him, hoping he at least had a thong. He just laughed. 

I slipped the zombie leggings on, and Andy briefed me on what was going to happen in the interview today. "So, the guy's name is Jeff Becker. He'll ask us some serious stuff to begin with, then we'll get into some trivia, and finish off with humorous shit. We think he'll introduce you in the beginning." I nodded.

I then turned my back to the guys, and took the plaid shirt off. I put the sports bra on as fast as I could, but I still saw Ashley craning his neck to sneak a peak. I then slipped on the bracelets and set the jacket and plaid shirt alongside the shoes to put on at the last minute. 

CC loaned me his makeup, and I scrunched my hair up

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CC loaned me his makeup, and I scrunched my hair up. I'm not gonna lie; I was extremely nervous. I'm going to be viewed by hundreds of fangirls, who will be watching my every move, looking for something wrong with me. "Do you think anyone will notice that I'm wearing Juliet's clothes?" I asked Ashley.

"No, she has two wardrobes; one for dates, and one for other shit. She only wears a date outfit twice." Ashley said. I followed him into the kitchen, and thought about how wasteful that is. Jake and Jinxx were playing with the bus' remote, trying to figure out how to make the T.V. disappear into the wall and for a couch to come out of the floor and replace it. It took a solid two minutes, and a week's worth of cursing, but they did it. 

I heard a knock at the door, and panicked. I ran to the bedroom. I hastily knotted the plaid shirt around my hips, put on the leather jacket. I was barely able to tie my last shoelace before the cameramen flooded everywhere.

Ribcage: An Andy Biersack & Ashley Purdy fanfic. ~ON HOLD~Where stories live. Discover now