Part 1

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"You!.. You don't have permission to speak my name! And a Nohrian like you is defiantly not my sister!"

Takumi didn't know what was worst, the fact that he'd fallen in love with a Nohrian or that she wanted to be his sister. He didn't even know how to deal with all of the emotional trauma from the war, let alone the trauma that follows along with falling in love. The only way he could let it out was in frustration; sexual frustration. This always lead to Takumi being rude to her, especially when she brought up the subject of being his sister or his late mother's wishes for all of them to become a family. His hot-headed personality didn't help the situation as he always said things that he would later regret.
"S-Sorry M'lord, I understand if you feel that way..." Azura replied with. Takumi grunted disapprovingly while walking away. He turned his head slightly to get a last glimpse of the blue haired songstress, but accidentally caught her eye causing a blush to creep across his face. He sighed to himself, and then headed towards the training ground to hone his bow skills.

Takumi was far more focused today, probably because of the frustration caused by the encounter with Azura. Archery had always helped him to unwind and relieve stress, but after Corrins return, Azura had been around a lot more.
Little did Takumi know that Azura was watching him train, she found herself watching him from afar more and more often, as she knew that if she approached him, he would be hostile towards her. She wanted them to talk more and be closer, perhaps as siblings, but this idea filled her with an unexplained deep sorrow. She thought that trying to become his sibling would be easier for him to accept, if he would even accept her at all. You see, the truth was Azura had found herself increasingly drawn to Takumi. She, like now, would frequently watch him train. His powerful stance, his unmatched skill, his handsome yet dynamic facial expressions, his long hair flowing in the breeze. How could she not want to stare?

The blue-haired maiden noticed Takumi talking, it wasn't to a person, just absent minded chatter. Azura simply thought it was to do with his training.

"Tsk. A sister? The things I'd do to her I'd definitely not do to a sibling. Tsk"

After hearing this, Azura was somewhat confused.
"Does Takumi want to kill me..?" Azura whispered to herself, but then focused back onto Takumi.
"She's definitely hiding something, but I can't tell what, it's just so annoying."
Azura giggled to herself upon hear his words. So many people thought she was hiding something. They were right to have there suspicions, but she was bound by a curse, so she couldn't tell even if she wanted to.

"...Is someone there? Show yourself!"

Azura gasped and fled after hearing Takumi's voice, hoping to be unseen.

'Shit. He must of heard my laughter'

Dread filled her mind. She knew if he caught her, she could be accused of being spy for Nohr, something Takumi already suspects her of.
Azura ran around the corner. A dead end. She had trapped herself. Takumi turned the corner to see the water maiden up against the wall corner, panting for breath with fear in her eyes.
"So it was you, Azura"
The hazel haired archer advanced towards her, drawing his legendary bow, Fujin Yumi.
"I was knew you were a spy! Your just the same as the rest of the Nohrian scum!"
"Takumi I can exp-"
"Don't say my name!" Takumi cut her words off. His face filled with a frustrated rage.
"Shoot me then... I was willing to die for the sake of this war..."
"Tsk" He muttered, his eyes watering with frustration as he pulled the string back harder on his weapon.

He sighed.

Takumi withdrew his bow, placing it onto his back.

"I can't kill you, Azura" he said while walking towards her. He stopped in front of her and proceeded to hold her wrists up against the walls, grinding his hips up against hers.
"What are you-"
Azura's sentence was cut short by his lips meeting hers. The kiss was rough and forced, making Azura wince backwards and gasp for breath.
"...Please... Not like this..."
"No Azura, it has to be like this. You don't understand my feelings! I've wanted you for such a long time and all you ever do is obsess over becoming my sister! I don't want that!"
He continued to thrust himself against her fragile body.
Azura would never admit that she was enjoying it, she wasn't a dirty woman, but the feeling of Takumi up against her was too much for her to just ignore. Takumi bit at her neck causing her to throw her head back and moan with pleasure.
"Takumi... I don't want that either. If you want to do this to me, maybe we should do this somewhere else..." Azura gasped.

Takumi was confused by her words. A minute ago she was asking him to stop and now she was suggesting to go somewhere else?
"I know the war has been hard on everyone, but I promise you I am not a Nohrian spy." Azura continued, "If you want the truth, I was actually watching you train..."
A blush raced across Azura's face.
"I don't understand. Why would you watch me train?" Takumi responded with.
"I...I find it intriguing to watch because, well, I find you attractive."
"You can't be serious?! So all this time-"
"Yes, I've wanted to be more than just a sister to you. It's selfish, I know, but i thought it would be easier to connect with you if I tried to be like a sister."
Upon saying this she grabbed hold of Takumi's hand and started to run in the direction of the barracks.
"Azura, slow down, I can't go where there's lots of people right now..."
Azura noticed the red colour creeping across his face.
Azura realised what was wrong and let out a small giggle.
"I'll walk in front of you, don't worry."

Having Azura walk in front really didn't help, as all he could find himself doing was staring at her butt. Luckily they managed to reach the barracks without being seen by Ryoma or his sisters, as they would of suspected something.
Takumi unlocked his personal barrack and placed his Fujin Yumi onto a weapon rack.
Azura sat down on his bed, but was fidgeting from being so nervous. Takumi sat down beside her.
"Azura... Are you sure about this? I mean I can wait, I mean it's so soon, girls like to wait don't they?"
Azura didn't say much, she was lost in thought. She wanted Takumi so badly but thought maybe she should wait until after the war finished.
"If you want to get married first I'm fine with that too Y'know..."
Azura made a shocked face at him.
"S-sorry Azura. I wasn't thinking..."
Takumi laid down onto the bed and stared at the ceiling. Azura climbed over him and then proceeded to mount herself on top of his hips.
"Azura, what are you-"
"D-Don't make a fuss about it, I just changed my mind, okay..."
After hearing her consent, Takumi pushed her down so that she was now below him.
He ran his hands up and down her legs and along her inner thighs; teasing her like crazy. It was at this point where Azura realised what Takumi meant by wanting to do things to her that he would never do to a sibling. Takumi placed love bites along her neck, causing her to breath heavily and moan down his neck.
"Azura, sorry for being impatient but... Is it alright to... y'know..."
Azura nodded but put her hands over her face as Takumi removed her dress and then removed his own clothing.
"You're the most beautiful girl I've ever laid eyes on, Azura" he said while taking her hands off of her face.
He placed more kisses along her neck to try and ease off the pain she was about to feel. He could see tears well up in her eyes as he entered her.
"Azura... I'm so sorry..."
He knew she was about to apologise for saying his name, but he put his finger over her mouth to stop her.
"It's alright, don't worry about it, you have my permission." Takumi said flashing a wink at her, then placing a kiss on to her forehead.

"T-Takumi... It should be okay to move now..." Azura whispered.
"O-Okay... I probably won't be very good, this is my first time..."
Azura was surprised to hear this, Takumi was so confident and attractive, not to mention a prince.
"W-Well it's mine too, so please be gentle..."
Takumi moved slowly, constantly checking to see if Azura was okay.
"Azura! I'm not hurting you am I?"
Azura looked away, blushing heavily slightly ashamed of herself.
"N-No, it's the actually the opposite."
Takumi's face reddened after hearing Azura's words, and sped up his pace causing Azura's moans to become more erratic.
"T-Takumi, this feels so amazing~" Azura gasped in between moans.
"Azura, I don't know how much longer I can hold out-"
"Oh Gods!!~Takumi!!~"
Takumi was cut off by Azura's orgasm, which was followed by his own. He collapsed beside her on the bed, both completely out of breath. He turned to face the light blue haired girl beside him.
"Azura, I-I love you..."
"Takumi, I love you too"

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