My Grandma's Antique Doll Talking to a Fish

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I know this seems boring that it all happened at a museum but it's the truth. So deal with it.

So apparently we were going on a field trip to the local art museum. Which I can tell you without thinking it twice, that this is the smallest one you're ever gonna find in your life. 

Not only does it not have 2 stories. It doesn't even have a proper lobby hall. 

You know. The place that everyone goes to find info? Yeah.  Mhm. Nada. Nope. 

So.. back to the story.

I was dozing off during Mrs. Hoppergarden's lecture about this painting by Simon... Simon..... 

Oh whatever you get the idea.

Anyways, I suddenly heard an angry snarl coming down the next hall.

And I walk straight to the source before I even realize it. 

Then, my eyes widened...

And there it was a HUGEEEE.... tiger?

And what was it doing? Looking at a fish?


It was talking to it! Talking to a fish!!

Well right then and there I stopped when both of the creatures turned to look at me.

I let a little gasp and I saw the faces of these..... how should I put it? A monster? Oh well.

Well the one that was looming over the fish was HUMUNGOUS!!!!!

It was almost just like the little antique inside my grandma's drawer. Except it was a 10000000x's bigger.

It had the head of an eagle and the body of a lion but why in the world is there a pair of wings?!?!

Well that's not the worst part.

The fish was.

The bottom half of that thing definately is full fish, but the top half is what scared me half to death.

It looked all scaly but instead it was all tiny little feathers making up with the skin of it. And for its ears it was flipper like thingys. But the scariest part of it was that it looked.... human...

I mean it had the features of a human but instead of normal skin it was blue-green and... fluffy?

Then, as any normal person would do, I freaked out.

I started the scream but it wouldn't come. I tried it again, but it happened again.

I stood there frightened from my head to toes while the two creatures stared at me in suspicion. And turned their heads around and started whispering.

"Did she hear us?"

"Why can she see us?"

"You sure it's her?"

"Yes, I'm sure. They have the same eyes."

And on and on they went until I couldn't stand it anymore. 


And I'm sure this is not the kind of girl that they're used to by the looks of their face. 

I sighed. "Ok, would anyone explain to me what in the whole fishing world is happening?"


Thanks for reading! Sorry for not updating for such a long time! But here it is!

Oh and here's the picture of the "fish" ----------------------> 

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