It happened.....

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Sam's POV

It's been about 3 days since Dom has been put in jail and we couldn't be happier, I was sat next to Taurtis and..... I noticed it, I grabbed his hand and looked at him "T....T...TAURTIS!!" I shouted he looked at me with a blank expression and his eyes were completely black "oh why hello Samuel, it's well over due that we finally meet" he cackled "! I won't let this happen!! Taurtis! Please!" I ran downstairs and grabbed my phone "I'll be back in a bit guys, bye!" I said hurriedly to Grian and silly as I ran out the door and called Ellen "hello Sam!" "Ellen! Please! I need your help! Taurtis' dark side took over and I do t know how to help him!" "Ok ok calm down I can help you meet me at the crab mart" "I'm already there, please hurry!" I saw Ellen run round the corner and come up to me "Sam! Take me to Taurtis!" I lead her to our house and up the stairs, he was still in our room just looking out the window, think I guess or something "Taurtis! I know this isn't you, and I know how hard you are trying to fight this!" "Oh it's too late for him" it said to us "Sam, this is going to be hard for you.... But I need you to restrain him and hold him down!" "He won't be able to do it! He's weak, and he can't control me" "Sam please, it's the only way to save Taurtis!" "Ok Ellen" I held him back just as he was about to swing a punch and Ellen managed to save Taurtis, he fell backwards into my lap, panting "Taurtis?" "S..Sam! Your ok! Thank GORD!" "I'm perfectly fine, thanks to Ellen you are too!" I said rubbing my hand down his cheek "thank you Ellen!" "No worries! I'll be going now!" "Ok bye!!" Me and Taurtis sat together until night, we didn't realise the time till silly and Grian came up to bed "hey guys, what time is it?" "It's 11" Grian said "oh we didn't even realise! Well good night I guess!" "Night!" I layed down to go to bed and Taurtis lay next me, I'm so glad I have him.

Taurtis' POV

Oh my gord what happened, everything I could have done, all the people I could have hurt, I'm.... A monster! I can't let my self hurt anyone, but I can't control it any more *ok I know what I have to do... It might hurt Sam but at least he'll be safe now* I went down stairs and got some paper and a pen, I wrote a note and left it on Sam's bedside table, I grabbed a bag and put in some spare clothes, a blanket some matches, some snacks and a few water bottles. Then I did it..... I left. I ran, I ran so so so far, I ran up the mountain behind the school. I ran and had no idea where I was going. When I reached the top there was a small Forrest, I found some large sticks and used them and the blanket to make a small tent, it wasn't small, it wasn't big, it was big enough for me, I set up a campfire and lit it with some matches, layed out another blanket in my tent and went to bed *Sam's going to be so heart broken, at least it's better than my killing him* I thought as I went to bed.

Sam's POV

I woke up and looked around, but where was Taurtis, he's usually cuddled up to me, I saw a note on my bedside table, I read it
'Dear, my precious bunny boy,

I'm so sorry but... I left and I'm not going to say where I am as I don't know myself I took some snacks, water, clothes and blankets and ran, I'm sorry. I didn't want to hurt you, I did it so you won't get hurt, I love you Sam, but I'm scared that if I stayed, that I would hurt you physically, or even worse kill you! I wouldn't be able to live with myself knowing that I hurt you in anyway, please don't come looking for me, where ever I might be, I'll be safe, I love you, goodbye.

                     Love from,
          Your knight in headphones

"Hey Sam you ready to go to school! Where's Taurtis?" "H...he he's gone..." I started to tremble as Grian took the note and read it " oh my gord, he really is, look, don't worry Sam! We can tell okami, Rowan, Paul and all our friends at school to help look for him and we can find him when school is over, or maybe even in school if okami lets us, but we will defiantly find him" "ok thanks Grian, let's go to school"
:0 what will happen next! The story is starting to pick up a bit now and I thought I would do a short chapter till I get some possible suggestions to implement into the story, have fun reading <3 bye!!!

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