I have to leave.... I HAVE to

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Taurtis' POV

I run downstairs and grab a pen and paper to write a not for Sam, I place it next to his bed and pack a bag with a few blankets, some spare clothes, snacks, matches and water bottles. I kiss Sam gently on the forehead before I leave "I love you my bunny boy," I whisper. Then I leave I locked the door and I ran, I ran and ran, I ran and didn't know where I was going I stopped to catch my breath and looked infront of me, it was the mountain behind the school "perfect!" I ran up to the top and ran into the little woods I found two tall sticks and put them oposite each other, I put 2 blanket over them, tied it with vines and held the corners down with rocks. The other blankets I used one on he floor to lye on and the other to put over me. I walk around and gather a pile of sticks I light a match and throw it onto the pile almost instantly setting it ablaze. "Well this is my life now..." I check my pockets and find 2000 yen "I hope Sam's ok.." I crawl under the blanket in my tent and fall asleep.

Sam's POV

I wake up and for the first time I don't see Taurtis, there's a not next to my bed so I pick it up and read it,
'To my bunny boy,

I love you so much and want to protect you, so I ran away, I'm not going to tell you where I am or where I planned on going cause I don't know I just ran and don't know where I'm going to end up, just know I did this cause I love you and want you to be safe, you'll be better off without me now in case I loose control again and hurt you, I don't know what I'm capable of but I know that I could probably hurt a lot of people, I'll be fine, good bye Sam, I love you

Your knight in headphones
"Oh my gord" I say as Grian comes over to me "Sam what's up and where's Taurtis?" He asks "No no no, he's really gone, he's gone and I don't know where" "oh no, don't worry I'm sure he'll come back, he loves you," "I know he does, but I don't think he's coming back.." I hand him the note and he reads through it "aw man, don't worry we'll find him, do you still want to go back to school today?" "Yeah" "ok cool, don't worry we can tell okami, Rowan and the class and they can help look for him" "ok let's go" I say and we all walk off to school I walk with my head down finding it hard to not think about Taurtis, I'm right on the edge of tears and the slightest push from anyone could be enough for me to go over the edge and start bawling. "Hey Sam!" I hear J call to me "oh hey J" I reply "do you feel better now? I hope you're ok" "I'm fine thanks" "no problem!" We go into class and I slump into my desk staring out of he window, miss okami does role call and when she's done Grian puts his hand up "miss okami could I make an announcement on the behalf of Sam please?" "Sure Grian come up here! We're all ears!" "Ok thank you, I would like to say that Taurtis has ran away and would love for you all to keep an eye for him as Sam would really appreciate it thank you" "we all will Grian don't worry!" "Thank you okami" I feel tears filling my eyes I keep looking out of the window and I see Taurtis walking to the shop "MISS OKAMI!" I shout "yes Sam?" "Um sorry, could I please be excused" "oh course" "thank you" I walk out the classroom then I run as fast as I can down the corridor and down the stairs to the shop when I reach it Taurtis is just leaving "TAURTIS!!" I scream is run up to him and hug him "S...Sam! N..N...No I have to go!" "Taurtis please I miss you!" "Sam I can't it's too dangerous I do t want to hurt you!" I hug him tighter and he hugs me back "I love you" "I love you too" he walks away and I walk back to school, tears falling from my eyes "he's not coming back.." I whisper to myself

________________________________omg I'm so sorry the last chapter was so short I published it and it only published half the story, I didn't notice until now I'm so sorry!

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