He found us....

21 3 0

2 days later
Sam's POV

(I know what you're thinking, ugh so much Sam, well maybe not cause Sam is awesome but Sam is easier to get ideas for so sorry :3)
~RING RING~ "ok class that's it for this lesson! Remember that prom is on Friday! 3 days to go! Ok you can go to lunch now!"  "Well that went quick, c'mon I actually want to eat for once!" Taurtis said running down the hall to the stairs "Slow down Taurtis!" I laughed chasing after him as we ran into the cafeteria and sat down to eat

20 minutes later

We walked to gym and were greeted by a half naked Rowan standing on the platform behind his podium "MAGGOTS TODAY IS SWIMMING, WALK TO THE POOL" we walked outside and to the pool changing rooms to get dressed  after we were changed I saw Taurtis staring at me "*cough cough* Taurtis my eyes are up here" I smirked at him "wha what, oh, heh" everyone had left the changing room except us and Grian so I pulled him in for a quick hug before leaving to join the rest of the class "OK MAGGOTS SO TODAY WE ARE GOING TO BE DOIN-" Rowan was cut off by gun shots "MAGGOTS INTO THE SCHOOL, NOW!" "No need to be alarmed mr." "ARTIFEX" "Right mr.artifex, we are here for Sam" "WELL TOO BAD NOW GET OUT OF MY SCHOOL" "well you see I'm not leaving, so give me my bunny" "HES NOT YOUR BUNNY HE IS A PERSON AND IS TO BE TREATED LIKE ONE" "oh well there's your second mistake he signed a contract so therefore he is mine now" "THATS ILLEGAL YOU CANT DO THAT TO MINORS" "oh I assure you I can, and I did" then Rowan ran into the school and said to us "SAM DO YOU KNOW THIS MAN?" "Y..yes Rowan, he tricked me into signing something that I didn't want to and he said that he owns me and makes me do things" "OK WELL YOU 4 ARE GOING TO HAVE TO GO OUT THE BACK OF THE SCHOOL AND GO UP THE STAIRS IN THE BACK CORNER THAT GO UP TO THE CLIFF RUN UP THE MOUNTAIN AND INTO THE CAVE, I'LL MEET YOU THERE WHEN THESE PEOPLE ARE GONE, NOW GO MAGGOTS GO!" We did as Rowan said and waited in the cave "~crys~ w..will m..my d..dad b..be o..ok" silly sobs "Awww silly! Please dont cry! I'm sure he'll be fine!" Grian said as he wrapped his arm around her "o...ok" silly said as Grian kissed her on the cheek. "T..t..Taurtis? Will we be ok?" I whispered in his ear before slumping down in the corner, he sat down and cuddled up next to me "don't worry Sam we'll all be fine" "Argh! I'm so stupid!" I said punching a rock "Sam it's not your fault! You can't blame yourself for this! He exploited you" Taurtis said "I know but I shouldn't have signed it" "you didn't know Sam" Grian said from the other side of the cave still comforting silly "hey I think I'm gonna go sit up top of the cave for a bit" I said as I stood up to climb the ladder I sat at the top of the wooden platform and saw a small old couch and sat on it I rested my head on my hand and started to fall asleep when I saw Taurtis walking up "Sam? Are you ok?" "Yeah I'll be fine" Taurtis took my hand and pulled me up, he sat down on the sofa then pulled me ontop of him "Taurtis!" I laughed as he kissed my cheek "I love you" I said as I rested my head on his shoulder and yawned "I love you too Sam, you're tired, get some rest I'll wake you when Rowans here" Taurtis said as I closed my eyes and went to sleep...

Taurtis' POV

I felt Sam's muscles loosening as he fell asleep in my arms I kissed him and waited for Rowan to come get us "Taurtis! Sam! Do you two want to come wait down here with us?" Grian shouted up to us "SHHHHH! Sam's asleep" I said back to him "oh sorry!" I carried Sam down to the cave entrance and as I sat down I felt Sam squirming and nuzzle into me cutely, "Silly, you better now?" I asked her "yeah I'm doing good now, thanks" "good, good" Sam started rolling in my arms and squeaking in his sleep "shhhh it's ok Sam, shhhh" I said kissing his forehead gently, making him stop rolling and smile sweetly "MAGGOTS!" "DAD!!" Silly shouted as she ran up to Rowan and hugged him "Sam, wake up" I said nudging him slightly.

Sam's POV

"Mm" I murmured opening my eyes to see Taurtis smiling at me "morning" he laughed "OK MAGGOT THEY SHOULDN'T BE BOTHERING YOU ANYMORE" "thank you so much Rowan!" "DONT WORRY MAGGOT ITS MY JOB TO PROTECT YOU MAGGOTS" I wrapped my arms around Taurtis' neck and hugged him tight "jeez Sam, are you trying to kill me" he laughed "noooo what are you talking about" "haha, this is why I love you" he said kissing me "WELL YOU 4 SHOULD BE GOING HOME NOW, SCHOOL TOMMOROW" "oh yeah ok, see you tommorow Rowan!" Grian said as we left and walked home "guys I'm gonna catch the train to the other town, I need to see someone there, I'll be home in an hour or so" "oh ok Sam be safe!" Taurtis said "I will don't worry" I walked to the train station and brought a ticket.

A train ride later
When I got off the train I started to walk to the park when I heard a loud bang, I fell on the floor and heard people screaming, I looked down at my lower stomach and saw a hole with blood pouring out of it, I looked behind me and saw the yakuza and Dom "Dom?" I said as I collapsed on the ground

Taurtis' POV

"Sam said he'd only be gone for an hour, it's been 2 already, where is he?" "I don't know Taurtis but he's probably fine, he'll be back" "ok, I'm gonna go get some rest, night" "night Taurtis" Grian and silly said I pulled back the sheets of mine and Sam's bed got in and cried, I cried and cried hoping for him to come home safe.

About an hour later

Sam's POV

I woke up to a bright light and lots of medical looking equipment around me "oh hello, nice to see you awake," a young lady said to me when I woke up "where am I, what happened?" I asked her "some fish people brought you in, you got shot" "so where am I now?" "You're in the hospital silly" she laughed "ok so when can I get out and tell my friends?" "At least 3 days" "3 DAYS?!?? I can't I'll miss prom!" "I'm sorry but you have severe wounds and need to have lots of treatment, you might be able to make prom tho" I collapsed on the bed and stared at the ceiling *Taurtis.........*

The next day

Taurtis' POV

I woke up to still no Sam *where is he?!?* "GRIAN! Where's Sam?!?!" I shouted downstairs "I don't know he didn't come home last night!" He shouted back *what am I going to do without him*...

Friday... (Aka prom)

Well here's this chapter done too! Two chapters before I'm on holiday! I'm going to keep this as a book of Sam's yandere series but as a fan fix :3 hope you're enjoying it until next time have fun reading <3

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