Chapter 1.1:Unknown Regions

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1300hrs,24 January

Colonel Sparks logging in.

Something tells me Star Command did not tell me something.They never gave a true reason to why additional troops were dispatched here or what's going on at all

Scouts found beacons of alien origin in the forest during their morning run.My strategists tell me to prepare for an imminent attack on Cyrus.

The question is...from what?
Cyrus is at the direct border of the Unknown Regions,a vast amount of unexplored space filled with hostiles at every corner.

So far,nobody has ever made it out of the Unknown Region.All I've seen from the Planetary Command Feed are wreckage of Capital class Starships.If they can do this to ships like those,who knows what those things can do to us.

Best I prepare for an assault.God save us all.
*End log*

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