Data Code #1
Shifter War LogIt has been long enough since the pests known as 'Humans' have pushed us into the Unknown Regions as they call it.
They think thats the end of us?Far from it.We have spent decades amassing an army for a crusade against the infidels.The time is ripe.
Phase 1
A frontline planet in the Human territory.Recon tells us a new Commander has taken charge of the defence there.We will offer them a chance to go peacefully.If they refuse,Gaia Mother save them all.Our grand Shifter Fleet will sweep Cyrus clean and kill anything and anyone on that planet.
Assault of Cyrus has been tasked to Strike Commanders Belik Khar and Ryhan Xorr.Gaia Mother bless them with victory
-Thrawn,Shifter Army Secretary of War Dept.
The 55th Legion
Ciencia FicciónThe Log Entries of Colonel Sparks,Leader of the 55st Legion on the doomed planet of Cyrus under the invasion of the Shifters