Crazy Night

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Jc's POV

What. The. Fuck. I love Gem, not that bastard! Instead of hurting Kian, or running like him, I went to my room. Slammed the door shut. And cuddled with my Wishbone. That dog can really help me sometimes.

But this time, no. I loved this girl, but so did Kian. Why does she have to be so utterly perfect?

I heard a quiet tap on my door followed by a faint voice, "Jc can you please open up, it's Gemma. I need to talk to you."

"Ugh come in," I murmured.

She smiled which gave me butterflies, "I love you and Kian. Ever since Alex showed me o2l, I fell in love with you two thinking neither of you would ever love me back, but now you both do..."

"How could we not love you? You're amazing in every way."

"I'm really not, I'm just a bunch of ugly fat rolls."

"Gem, everybody has imperfections. But that doesn't make you ugly. You're gorgeous."

We hugged, but it was stopped by a loud crash. Both of us hopped up and ran to where the sound came from. It was Kian. Of course.

He had thrown something on the ground that had smashed, "I LOVE HER," he screamed, "RIGHT NOW SHE'S PROBABLY CUDDLING WITH JC. I LOVE HER. I LOVE HER. I LOVE HER."

Gem's POV

I'm afraid if I go up to Kian, his outburst will continue and he'll start shouting at me. Or even worse...

*ding dong*

Who could possibly be here now?!

Alex's POV

I invited another one of my best friends over, Crystal. She LOVES Jc. I don't want Kian and Jc fighting about Gem anymore.

"CRYSTAL!" I yelled, running full speed to the door, "HEY CRYS!"

"HEY LEX," she said hugging me, "thanks for inviting me here"

There was complete silence as we walked to where everyone was. "Guys.. This is Crystal."

Jc's POV

Wow Crystal is as beautiful as.. Well a crystal. But I love Gem, but so does Kian. He'll probably start loving her too, knowing him now. Maybe I can just give up on her and move onto this new girl who's also stunning.

Trevor's POV

Well there's six guys and five girls and I still don't have any special feelings for any of them. Maybe they'll come along a sixth girl, who I'll see and fall for immediately. Poor me.

Crystal's POV

As the night progressed, I felt like someone was watching me more and more. There were definitely a pair of eyes on me. I glanced at Jc only to see it was him. His face flushed red and he looked away quickly. Awe he's so adorable. I crush from afar though so if he wants to talk to me, he has to. I'll probably never gather the courage to.

Alex had told me about everything happening between Kian and Jc. It worried me a bit, but I wasn't there to even witness any of it. She wanted Jc to fall for me, and of course so did I. He saved my life.

Sam's POV

Me and Alex were in another room just talking about random shit.

Alex's POV

"Remember how at Taco Bell I started poking your sides and found out you were really ticklish?" Sam said smirking.

"Yea.." I murmured covering my body as much as I could while also trying to get up to run away as fast as I could.

"Oh you're not going anywhere." He smirked and started tickling me like crazy and I couldn't stop laughing. Eventually I started crying of laughter, "S-s-sa-a-am-m."

"Yes, beautiful?" He stopped. Then I started tickling him, which worked. Me and THE Sam Pottorff were sitting there tickling each other like crazy.

I pinned him down finally, sitting on top of him. He's so hot. Right now I couldn't help but stare at him, he has the look of an angel.

He noticed I was off in a daze and took advantage of that and now he was in top of me. That little shit got his way.

"Guess what," he said smirking.

"What?" I said with a questionable look on my face.

"Come closer." I was so close to his face our noses were touching.

Then he kissed me. It was the cutest and best thing that could've ever happened to me. It was amazing, our lips moved perfectly on each other's. When we both stopped, we stared into each other's eyes happily. My dream just came true.

I guess someone had seen us and quietly invited everyone else to accompany them and watch us two.

"AWWWWW," the crowd of people all gushed. We both looked at them turning so red.

But then I noticed Connor was vlogging, as did Sam.

"CONNOR!" We both yelled, trying to chase after him. But he got to his room and looked the door, editing his new vlog. With us two making out in it.

Gem's POV

This has been an interesting night.

Jc kissed me, Kian ran away, Crystal came over, and Sam and Alex just made out while Connor was vlogging. And Trevor still has no girl, poor kid.

After more socializing, we all decided to go back to our houses, except for Alex. Sam insisted she stay with him and cuddle the whole night long. They're just too cute.


A/N: wooooo another update

have a great day everyone ilyasm❤

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