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Sorry for the delay,LOVE YOU GUYS ;)


"Will you two lame asses wake the fuck up?! The girls are on their way and you guys reek of hot cheetos and cheese." I groan loudly and turn to the other side,hoping that she would just leave me alone.

"KEYLA AND ANDRE! Stop freaking playing and go take a shower right now.Both of you!" Ana is such a bitch.Someone please remind me why I am still friends with such an annoying human being?

"Okay,okay we are up now mother!!!!!!" I scream as loud as possible.

Andre and I both go freshen as the girls start to arrive.


I can't fucking go to that sleepover.It's just not me,I don't know what the fuck I am supposed to do in a room full of girls talking about makeup and dicks.I don't belong there at all.

The only reason why I was even willing to go is obviously because I wanted to see Keyla.I doubt she will even notice my absence,always busy with "girl stuff" and her friends and what not.Why would she even care? She probably just invited me out of pity. I roll myself a blunt and decide to just have some netflix and no chill moment.

"The 100" seems like a dope series to watch.

Five minutes into the movie and my phone rings,I huff and answer the phone without looking at the caller ID.

"Whatchu need?" I am seriously annoyed right now,I was really into this fucking show.

"H-hey aren't you coming?"

Why is she so clingy? I clench my jaw and find for a reasonable excuse I can use but,I come up with nothing.

"I am not really feeling that shit right now" I say truthfully.My patience is slim to none at the moment.

"Um.are you okay? You sound a little...Different?"

I smile at that,yeah I sound like myself.I take another hit of my blunt and press play while hanging up without saying anything else.Besides,she is busy.

I hear my phone go off again but decide to ignore it.She will obviously get the point.


Voicemail. For the fucking fifth time Kehlani ignored my call for no reason.I just asked her if she is okay and she hangs up on me? How rude is that? Hell no,she can't just wave me off like that.We were having a conversation,a short one but,still.

I exit my bathroom and make eye contact with Andre for her to meet me for a second.

"Wassup?" She looks at me in confusion.She probably thinking that I want to talk about what happened earlier...

"I need to leave for some minutes,can you like,takeover for awhile please?"

"Where are you going to? The party just started and you want to leave? Is it because of the k-"

"No,I just have to got meet someone really quick.It's urgent" I look at her with pleading eyes.Please don't ask me who I'm going to meet with...


"Kehlani." I say in hopes that she will just drop it right there but,this is Andre we are talking about.I should have told Ana instead,fuck.

"Do know.Do you like her?" I smile as I notice that Andre is looking anywhere else but at me.I actually shouldn't be smiling,I don't want to ruin my friendship with Andre just because we decided to play truth or dare and we kissed. I'm not even gay.

"No,I have to go.Tell Ana for me,ok?" I give her a kiss on the cheek and run towards my car.

I hate being ignored.


"Keh! There is someone at the door and it sure as hell ain't foh me." I hear my mother scream all the way from downstairs.

Why the fuck does everybody keep disturbing my Netflix time son? What the entire fuck?

I don't even bother covering myself and walk downstairs just in my long shirt.Whoever it is ain't gon stay here long enough.


I roll my eyes and start laughing.You have to be kidding me God.

"What do you want Keyla? Are you that into me?" I raise my eyebrows and chuckle at the disgusted expression she shoots at me.

"I just wanted to know if you are okay..."

"Well you see I am perfectly okay,bye now." I stand there waiting for her to leave but she doesn't move at all.Here we go...

"Can we talk?" She looks at me and looks back down at the floor.

"We talking." I'm really not in the mood for this bullshit and she is making horny as hell with her dumbass self.

"Can you please stop being so mean to me and let me in so we can talk,please?"

I know if  I let her in,we are going to have sex.

Man,fuck it.

I sigh and open the door for her to come in.



link is also on my bio ! ♥️

I know it's short
Hope you like it,vote and comment if you wish- ROSA.😊🎈

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