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- Six months later -

"People call me fat, obese, you name it and I've probably heard it."

All the attention in the room was focused on the heavy-set girl speaking.

She looked up, then quickly down. "I started smoking, thinking it would help me lose weight faster. I got addicted to the point where I brought it to school. I was caught and suspended... that's pretty much it."

Doctor Conrad nodded. "Very good, Kenzie." He clapped.

The seven other kids present followed suit. The exercise was conducted in an empty room, save for the plastic blue chairs they brought in. Doctor Conrad gathered his patients once every two weeks to meet together and swap stories. Today the exercise was called the Confession Circle.

A boy with facial piercings went next. "Vandalism. It's fun." He grinned.

Emily stifled a laugh.

Doctor Conrad heaved a deadpanned sigh. "Thank you, Andrew."

A timid blue haired girl went next. "I-um cut. It's been going on for three years. I'm trying to stop now."

"I'm glad to hear that, Cynthia."

It was Emily's turn to share next. All the gazes in the room were locked on her, but that didn't scare her. She wasn't afraid to share her story. She had lived it, accepted it, and was grateful for the lessons she learned from it.

Emily took a deep breath. "I attempted suicide. I overdosed on my sleeping pills... and I regretted it. I went into a coma while in the hospital. A few days later I woke up-lucky to be alive. Everyone I thought didn't care about me finally showed how much they really cared. I've been living life to the fullest ever since. I don't want my suicide attempt to be all there is to my story. It's not who I am. I want to raise suicide awareness. I think it's a topic that shouldn't be shied away from just because its not dinner table conversation. If you can prevent one person from taking their life, do it. It's more than some people do in a single lifetime Make something of yourself. Inspire people. Life is short, and there's no need to cut it shorter. Bad things happen, life gets pretty terrible at times, but if you can make it past the rough spots you'll be grateful you did. Hang in there, and you'll make it. You've won every battle you have ever faced in your life up until today. Keep fighting."

Emily noticed the shy girl who cut had tears streaming down her face.

"I'm proud of you, Emily." Doctor Conrad nodded in approval.

A new school year had begun and a new year meant big changes. Emily was living a completely different life. Jason was her best friend again, much to Harper's distaste, but she had backed off at a rate to send Emily's head spinning. It was possible Harper had a newfound respect for her, but Emily wasn't counting on the she-devil admitting it anytime soon.

Emily walked into school after spring break had passed. The trees were blooming with flowers, the grass was cut fresh, and everyone was bustling with excitement, recounting the crazy things they did over the break. Emily smiled and shook her head as she overheard people who were telling such stories. Megan was walking alongside her.

"Are you sure you want to do this? If you're not ready we can get you back on home-school, or you can change schools altogether." Megan worried.

"Megan," Emily exasperated. "I'm okay. I meant it. This is what I want."

"If you say so... How's therapy going?"

"It good. I think I'm actually helping some of the kids when we do these group circles."

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