Chapter 5- Father?

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*Not Edited*

Carlos POV

We were quiet for a moment, unsure of what to do next. Mal looked in book, turning each page, until she found the page she was looking for. We over her shoulder, and saw the tree-like guardians.

"When we go in, we have to not draw too much attention to ourselves." she whispered. She walked to the empty field. The grass was up to our knees and everything was quiet. I noticed Jay didn't have his shoes on, but before I could ask, he stopped.

"Stop moving." He whispered. We all looked at him, and looked around. Nothing was heard but our breathing. Out of nowhere, the ground started to rumble. We all got down, hiding in the tall grass, waiting for anything to appear. Something bursted out of the dirt near the borders, and a few more bursted out.

The creature looked around and looked around. It had vines and branches, creating most of its body. The other creatures were tree like, and had trees like hammers.

Mal looked at the book, and looked up to us. She was on the tree guardians page and it also had what looked like tree dragons.

"I need to find a the transportation spell,but I'll need some time. Hold them off until I tell you all to come back to me." Mal whispered. The guards looked through the grass, and the dragon went back into the ground. We all waited, but when everything got too quiet, the forest dragon appeared right through the ground.

Evie POV

We scattered and the guards saw us. Jay created fire, while Carlos turned into a dog and I turned into one of the guards. Mal quickly turned the pages in her spellbook, while we all fought of the guardians. When I noticed some surrounding Mal, I quickly knock out the guards around her.

"I found it!" Mal yelled out. We all ran to her and Jay quickly made a pyramid around us, while the guards tried to break in. The forest dragon tried to come up from the ground, but Jay held the ground together. Just like that, we were in a cave, and the tree guards weren't seen.

"Where are we?" Carlos asked. I slowly walked to the cave entrance, which was covered in vines, and everyone else followed. When we all made it out to the open, we all saw a river leading to a small pond in front of us. It was dark, but the moonlight shined brightly in the water.

I noticed small blue fairies dancing on the water. I walked over to them, and watched dance and spin.

"This is incredible!" Mal whispered. I looked around and saw multiple colored lights, and tall mountains.

"How is it that no one could've found this?" Carlos asked.

"I don't know, but we should rest up for tomorrow." Jay said. We all went back in the cave and Jay already had the firewood. He lit up his fingers and made the flames go on the wood. We all huddled around the fire and looked at each other.

"Tomorrow," Mal said, getting our attention, "We'll split into two groups, that way we can cover more ground. I'll explain the rest of the plan tomorrow."


With that, Carlos turned into his dog form and provided us warmth. I looked at the entrance of the cave, wondering what would happen if I do meet my dad.

I eventually fell asleep, but had a bad dream. I was in the woods, but the most of the trees were black, and one of the trees stood out. It was bigger than the rest and was covered in a dark red color. I walked to it, and when I touched it, I was brought back to Auradon Prep. It was still standing, but the sky was cloudy and red.

I woke before I could have seen anything else. I looked around, and saw the sun was out. I saw Jay outside, by the pond. I walked to him, and saw that he was looking at a crystal jewel.

"Where did you find that?" I said. He looked at me, and show me the clear jewel.

"I woke up a bit early, and found so many jewel at the bottom of the pond." He explained. I heard some tree snapping. I looked around and the tree guards coming towards us. I quickly pulled Jay back in the cave, while Evie and Carlos woke up

"What happened?" Carlos asked, in his human form.

"They found us." Jay explained. They got up and came to us. I looked out and saw that they had spears and waited for us to come out.

We heard a caw, and saw a saw a crow flying by. We waited and saw that the crow turned into a man. The tree guards spoke, in a language none of us knew, to the one was with them.

"I'm not afraid." The man said to the guards, "I've seen many things that could scare anyone." He turned to the cave and waited. "Come out."

"No," I said back. "We aren't leaving until we find someone."

"Come out, and I'll help you." I looked at Jay, Carlos, and Evie else, and they waited for my answer. I slowly walked out, and they followed. When we got out into the light, I saw that the man had a small scar on the side of his face.

"Who are you looking for?" he asked me.

"I am looking for my father."

"What make you think his in this place?"

"Because he was the one who wrote down everything in this book that my mother had." I pulled it out of my bag and show him it. He was quiet, and walked up to me. He took the book out of my hand and look through it.

"Is your mother by any chance Maleficent?" I was quiet, and looked at him.

"Yes. Why do you asked?" I cautiously.

"Is your name Mal?" I was surprised, and looked at the book then back at him.


"Mal, I believe I'm your father."



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