Chapter 2

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"We're here." Nevaeh said, as she parked the car. She switched off the car's engine and turned to face her kids. From the looks they gave her, it was evident that they were still mad at her for making them come out here, to the middle of nowhere.

Raven quickly unbuckled her seatbelt and jumped out of the car. Jeordie mimicked her actions and they both started walking up the concrete stairs that lead to front door. Once they reached the door they tried opening it, but it was locked. So, they stood there waiting for their mom to come and unlock it.

Nevaeh slowly made her way up to them. She reached into her purse, pulled out a big skeleton key, and used it to unlock the door. She pushed the door in and stepped aside, allowing the kids to enter the mansion.

Jeordie cautiously stepped inside, looking right and left, taking in everything. He was in awe, the place had been cleaned, it looked new. He remembered last time they had been there. It had been right after Nevaeh's grandparents had inherited her the house. They had come to check out the place. He recalled thinking that it had looked like no one had lived there in centuries. In reality it had only been inhabited for a couple of decades. The house had looked abandoned, with all the furniture covered, and dust everywhere. He was glad someone had cleaned up. The house didn't look like it was haunted anymore, which made him sigh in relief.

Nevaeh entered the mansion but stopped in the foyer, standing next to Jeordie. They both stood there, just admiring the view. Nevaeh was glad she had decided to send some cleaners last week. The place looked completely different now that it had been cleaned. From where she stood she could see the wide stairs leading up to the second floor. On her left, she saw the living room, it looked very cozy. It had a big chimney with soft couches all around it. And on her right, she saw the dinning room. The chandelier and the long dinning table made it look very fancy.

Raven pushed them a side, and made her way to the living room. She plopped herself on one of the couches and took out her CD player. She wanted to continue listening to the audio book she had been listening to on the way here. But, it wouldn't turn on, the batteries had run out. Oh, well. She could just watch some TV. She looked around but she couldn't find it. Great, no TV. She quickly stood up and stormed towards Nevaeh.

"There's no TV, here?" She asked, pointing at the living room.

"Of course not, honey." Nevaeh smiled.

"What!?" Jeordie shrieked. "What am I supposed to do all summer then?"

"There's plenty of things to do out here. You could explore the house or the woods."

"This is stupid. I'm going to die of boredom." Raven exaggerated.

Nevaeh rolled her eyes playfully. "No you won't. Plus your aunt will be here any minute and she's bringing a TV."

"Rae is coming?"an excited Jeordie asked.

"Yes, and she isn't the only one coming."

"Huh?" Raven wondered who else could possibly come. They didn't exactly have many friends and Raelinn was the only other family member they had.

Jeordie furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. "Who else is coming?" Nevaeh smiled, they were going to freak out when the guests arrived. "You'll see when they get here." Jeordie sighed, "Just tell us."

Nevaeh stopped what she was doing and listened. She heard the sound of a car pulling over, it must be Raelinn, she thought. She looked out a window and sure enough Rae's car was in the driveway.

"Raelinn's here." she informed.

"Mum!" Raven and Jeordie ran outside to met her. She was their aunt but they saw her more like a second mother. She and Nevaeh were their only family. Raelinn was Nevaeh's younger sister, by one year. And ever since Nevaeh had adopted Raven and Jeordie, she had been there for them.

Raelinn heard them call out to her, she placed her bags on the ground and opened her arms, inviting them in for a hug. Raven and Jeordie ran into her arms and hugged her tightly causing her to almost lose her balance.

"Wow, you guys must of really missed me."

The twins both nodded and continued to hug her.

"I'm so glad you're here, mum." said Raven, snuggling her face into Raelinn's neck.

"Me too." said Jeordie.

"Come on, let's get inside. It's getting chilly out here." Raelinn picked up her bags and entered the house with Raven and Jeordie following behind.

"Hey, Rae." Nevaeh greeted her as she walked in. "I'm glad you could make it."

Raelinn smiled. "I wouldn't miss spending time with you guys for the world."

Nevaeh smiled back and then looked at her kids. "Why don't you guys go pick your bedrooms and get settled in. Me and Rae will stay here and unload the cars. Unless you guys want to stay here and help us."

"Nope. Let's go, Jeordie." Raven said grabbing her brother by his jacket and pulling him towards the stairs.

"Wait, Raven." called out Nevaeh. "You should probably change."

"Why, whats wrong with what I'm wearing?" Raven looked down at herself. She was wearing all black, combat boots, ripped shorts, ripped tights under, and a very thin see through tank. Her bra was visible. "But I like what I'm wearing." Raven protested.

"You look very nice." Raelinn said, complimenting her outfit. "But you look like a stripper." she added.

"Wear something more appropriate, guests will be here soon."

"But mom, I-"

"Just go change. Wear something more normal, something like what Jeordie's wearing. Raven looked at Jeordie and took in his appearance. He was wearing black skinny jeans, black converse, and a Marilyn Manson tee shirt with an Adidas tracksuit jacket over it.

"Ugh, fine." Raven grunted as she stormed outside, with Jeordie following, for her suitcase and then upstairs. She and Jeordie settled into their rooms and unpacked while downstairs, Raelinn and Nevaeh unloaded the cars and placed everything where it belonged. After they finished settling in Jeordie and Raven decided to go back downstairs, to see if the TV was connected.

Nevaeh sighed when she saw Raven. She was now wearing ripped denim shorts, cherry read Dr. Marten boots, and a SlipKnoT tee shirt with an oversized denim jacket over it. "Raven, you look like a homeless person."

Raven just shrugged "I'm not changing again."

"Is the TV ready?" Jeordie asked.

"No, not yet." answered Nevaeh. "Why don't you guys help us? It'll be faster."

"Okay." Raven said, as she started unboxing the TV.

After they finished connecting the TV, they decided to also connect the DVD player. Nevaeh had informed them that they would only be able to use the TV to watch movies. They were about the pick a movie to watch, when the doorbell rang.

"They're here!" exclaimed Nevaeh.
She and Raelinn made their way to the door, to greet their guests. Jeordie and Raven just looked at each other, still wondering who it could be.

Nevaeh opened the door and there stood a grinning David. She quickly threw herself into his arms and whispered in his ear how much she had missed him.

Raven and Jeordie were in shock from seeing their mom so affectionate with a stranger. They couldn't see his face, the door was in their way. So they inched closer, into the foyer, to get a better look at him. Once they got a look at his face they thought they recognized him, but they didn't know from where. Raelinn opened the other door, making the entrance bigger. That's when Jeordie and Raven saw that there were four other guys, they getting stuff out of their SUV. It was already dark outside so they couldn't tell who they were. But after the guys all started walking up the stairs and into the house, Jeordie and Raven almost squealed. They knew who those guys were, they were the guys from KoЯn.

Sorry for not updating yesterday. And also, sorry if this feels like a filler chapter. I promise the story will get better. I just need to start our slowly, I can't bring out the big guns just yet. But don't worry, all the crazy stuff will come soon. ;)

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