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I started pacing around the back wall of my new cell, occasionally stumbling over the chain.

It didn't take long before I got tired and laid down, waiting for something to happen.

The metal suit with the glowing face from my old cell came in with a bucket. It walked as far as my chain stretched. It stared at me for a moment.

I stared back with my head tilted slightly. I made a curious chatter at it.

The suit walked closer than anyone else had and put down the bucket.

I got up and a whirring noise started coming from the suit.

I tilted my head and crept forward.

The suit backed up.

When I was close enough, I glanced into the bucket and saw water. I growled at the suit daring it to try and take the water again.

When the suit looked at the water, I snarled and jumped so I was directly behind the water bucket with my neck and head stretched over it.

The suit quickly left the room.

I sniffed the water before drinking as much of it as I could.

Unfortunately, what I wanted was more than what the bucket had. I ended up with the bucket on my muzzle before shaking it off.

I smacked my jaws before tossing the bucket with my tail back to the door, making sure it knocked loudly on the door.

I chattered loudly and the the suit came back and grabbed the bucket before leaving.

I watched the door intently, after a few minutes he came back in with the water making me give a happy chatter.

The suit opened revealing a man with a goatee. He stepped out of the suit and picked up the bucket.

I could feel his cockiness radiating off of him.

He walked where he did last time and set down the bucket.

I trotted over, and he took a few cautious steps back. I could smell the fear now radiating off of him, but I ignored him.

I started drinking the water again and half of it was gone before I was satisfied.

He was still there though. He had moved as far as my chain allowed me.

I chattered at him curiously and walked towards him. I tilted my head to the side as I stood in front of him looking down at his small size.

He wasn't tall or obviously strong like Thor or the blonde.

I leaned forward to sniff him by the door opened and unfamiliar people ran in with weapons like the one that used to be outside my old cell.

I let out a loud screech in panic, running to the corner growling and hissing. I made sure my tail was close to my body so they couldn't shock it.

The man with the goatee looked a little shocked before he started talking to the people quietly. "What are you doing? I had everything under control,".

One of the people who carried the taser told him, "We were told to come in here if it got to close to anyone. It was too close to you Mister Stark,".

I growled and when they turned to look at me, I opened my jaws and hissed.

One of them pressed the button making electricity visible on the end.

I let out another screech and snapped my jaws threateningly.

Discovering Raptor (Avengers Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now