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Steve walked over to where Bruce had pointed and undid the leash, setting me free.

Steve took a few steps back, "There?" He asked Bruce, who glanced up.

"Yeah, that's perfect Steve," he pressed a few buttons and walked over to me with a clipboard and pen.

Bruce ran his hand along my spine, side, tail, neck, arms, legs, anything that had bone he could feel I guess.

He would write down notes and such on the clipboard when he moved to my head he gently lowered my neck down to his level before feeling around my jaws, nose, and eyes.

"Hey Steve, can you ask Tony to come here," Bruce told him looking at my eyes.

He moved his hand over my eye and I closed it, "So you have eyelids," he mused quietly before writing it down.

Tony came in followed by Steve who once again closed the door, "What'd you need me for? You know biology isn't my thing," Tony said, clapping his hands together.

I hissed at the sudden noise, narrowing my eyes at him.

Everyone stared at me for a moment, "You said you could predict what it was going to do by looking at its eyes. What did you mean?" Bruce asked still watching me warily.

Tony raised an eyebrow, "You got Steve to get me out of my workshop for this?"

He sighed and waltzed over to me and ran a hand on my neck, "The pupils, like a cat dilate on the moods," Tony informed them.

Bruce quickly wrote it down.

"How do we figure out the gender?" Steve asked taking a few steps forward, "I'd rather know then keep referring it as it," Steve added when they turned to face him with an incredulous look.

Bruce and Tony looked at each other, "Not it," they both said in sync.

Then, they both groaned and looked at Steve, "How about Steve does it?" Tony said.

Bruce shot Tony a look.

"Well, he did ask so Steve gets to find out," Tony decided.

Bruce interrupted, "How about I call a paleontologist about it, okay?"

Tony rolled his eyes, "Steve finding out would've been so much funnier,".

Steve, looked completely confused.

That was until Tony went and whispered something in his ear and his face twisted into complete disgust.

"You were going to try to make me do what?!" Steve practically yelled at Tony, who shrugged.

"It would've been funny," Tony defended.

Steve rolled his eyes and clenched his jaw as he stalked out of the room.

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