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When we walked onto the hangar, everyone was waiting for us.

I trotted as we entered though, to make it look like we were somewhat rushing.

I could tell the twins were once again intimidated by my attire.

When I reached the ramp, I slowed to a walk, listening to the gentle clink of the armor.

I made a grumble in my throat as I laid down, allowing Clint to get off and head to the pilots seat.

I laid down in front of the twins and watched as the back hatch closed.

Everyone was watching me as Clint started take off, none of them apparently having anything better to do.

I yawned and curled up in a ball before falling asleep, figuring I'd wake up when we got there.
When we got there, it was complete and utter chaos.

We ditched the jet and ran there.

Well, I ran and so did Pietro everyone else kinda either flew or rode with me or Pietro.

Some guy named Rhodey came too. He, like Tony had a suit but it was black.

I tackled and decapitated every robot I came in contact with, but soon realized I was separated from everyone.

I growled and stood taller, extending my neck to make a loud call, but I was cut off when a robot hit me. I was sent flying through a wall.

I hissed in pain, but got up shaking it off charging back at the robot.

When I was sure it was dead, I saw a yellow eighteen wheeler looking thing running over robots.

Upon closer inspection, I saw that it was Natasha driving. She'd gotten free somehow.

I roared at her and she glanced at me.

I heard her yell into her com, "I have eyes on Delta, she's fine,".

I ran over to her and jumped on top of the truck to get a better view of things.

I could see Tony lifting up a small carrier that was heading to something I'd seen in pictures, called the hellicarrier.

Robots were flying in that direction, but the majority were heading to the middle of the flying hunk of rock we were on.

I saw the other Avengers heading to the center too.

I called loudly, jumping in front of the truck and running in the direction everyone else was going.

"God damn it Delta!" I heard Natasha yell, I heard the brakes screech. I must've startled her when I jumped in front of the truck.

I chattered at her as I ran.

I skidded to a stop when I reached the center.

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