Chapter 1: A World Without Meaning

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     One day before Halloween and everyone in town was busy putting last minute decorations on their houses. Even bakeries were busy participating in the festivities, including Sweet Treat Bakery. The owners had left the bakery to grab their kids Halloween costumes at the last minute and had left their eldest, Sofia, and her cousin, Brisa, in charge of running the place as they went on their errand with the rest. Sofia sat at the counter scrolling through her Instagram watching satisfying pressure washing videos and soap carving ones as well. Since everyone was out the bakery was empty, with the exception of her and her cousin.

Sofia's POV

     "So are we going Trick-or-Treating with everyone tomorrow, working, or something else?" Brisa asked as she put down her book and walked over to me.

     "Well we're not working tomorrow, we're gonna close for the day and have some deliveries, aside from that nothing. But I don't wanna go trick-or-treating either. It's too much walking for me, besides aren' t we a little too old to do that?" I answered.

   "But you look like you're 12, Sof"

     "And you act like it, besides we can stay at home and relax like we've always wanted. I don't know about you but I have been dying to get some extra sleep and try those sheet masks I have stored away. And even if we would go trick or treating we don't have costumes. Also, what do you mean by something else?"  

     "Well, we could try to go to a costume party tomorrow night, and I am not taking no for an answer because we need to go out more without our family, we are 18 not under 15. We are almost in college and haven't."

     "Okay, but we still have the parents and costume thing to worry about IF  I decide to go. You might still go anyways. Matter a fact, go ahead and go I'll stay here in my comfy bed and blankets watching my shows."

     "Really? Come on. Don't worry about that, remember that club I joined, the one with home economics?"

     "Yeah, why?"

    "Well I learned how to sew and after a few Youtube and Pinterest Videos later, I managed to make some decent costumes for us, yesterday," She said pulling out her phone and showing me a beautiful Angel costume and a cute Sailor Moon, I guess she made. 

     "Dude, as much as Id like to wear that, it's too revealing and people would instantly tease me about dressing like that. I already get teased about being into anime and K-pop." 

     "But I worked so hard on these," she whined,  "Come on you can wear a mask then that way no one can recognize you, we can even do your makeup to look completely different. Also, they managed to hire a big-time band to perform, don't you wanna go hear them for free?" 

     "You had me at free, let's go," I said as I checked over tomorrow's delivery schedule. "We should end deliveries at one, what time does the party start?"

     "Around 8ish? I'm not really sure, I helped plan it but forgot to ask for the time." 

      I shook my head at her, "How do you plan a party but not know the band that will be playing or the time? Next thing you know, you don't know the place."

     "Stuff happens, okay so all we need to do now is get ready for the party and sneak out," She said smiling. I looked at her crazy for a second and took her temperature. 

     "Are you out of your mind? Our parents will kill us if we're to sneak out, not to mention we don't have a ride to the party either!" 

     "Well ya see, I kinda lied about failing the license test. I passed it with flying colors, its just that my parents would kinda have me driving all over the city if I told them I had it. For the topic of cars, I'm sure Nathan will let us borrow his for the night he's stuck on babysitting duty for the night."

     "You had this all planned out from the start didn't you?" I asked as I locked the entrance and began to clean up the place. 

     "Yep," Brisa said as she started washing the dishes.

     "Quick question though, When did you have time for all of this?" 

     "Well let's see I had after-school club activities all week month long so I did this whole thing a Saturday night," she said with a smile.

      "You scare me sometimes you know that?" I said looking at her. 

      "I know." We closed the bakery and waited for our ride home. 

The Next Day, well Night 

      After my parents left with my younger siblings and cousins the only ones left were Brisa, Ada, and myself, but Ada soon disappeared into her room telling us she was going to sleep early, but maybe just watching Jane the Virgin again. Brisa and I disappeared into the room and started getting ready. After about 30 minutes costumes were on, makeup was put on and our decoys were in place.

     "Okay Brisa, I've got everything we need phones, power banks, and food," I said getting ready to walk out the room.

      "Wait, we're not going out that way!" she said pulling me back and signaling the window, "that's how we're getting out." 

    'How did I get myself dragged into this'  We quickly and quietly opened the window and climbed down.

     "Okay now what?" I asked 

"Wait right here I'll be right back. " Brisa said disappearing into the darkness of night. After a while, I thought that she was never coming back so I started to head back inside when a black Camaro pulled up. "Where you are you headed?" Brisa said as I entered the passenger side.

 "I thought you had left or bailed on me so I was going to back inside," I said pulling on the aux cord and hooking up my phone to the car. 

 "I would never," she said being offended. We soon left home and headed to the party.

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