Chapter 4: How To Not Sneak Back In After A Party

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-Sofia POV-
     When the guy in the Naruto costume blew a kiss my way, I couldn't help myself become flustered. All I did was wave back. "Looks like someone has an admirer," Brisa said nudging my shoulder.

      "Well, he performs really good," I said blushing. We waited until the performance was over and went backstage to greet them. 

     "You guys were amazing!" Brisa said squealing she went and hugged everyone. 

    "Brisa! That is not how you introduce yourself." I yelled at her childish behavior. 

     "Ah yes, I'm sorry. My name is Brisa, but I'm known on the internet as Brisky." She said acting a little better. 

    "Hi, My name is-," that was all I could say before some fangirls came running our way. BTS had to quickly get out and they did. But after I left I noticed that one of them had left their phone on accident.

     "Looks like you are getting a second chance, Sofia," Brisa said teasingly to me. And for some reason, all I could do was smile. "Crap! Sofia we got to go now it's 1 am, and tomorrow we have to go to that meeting at school."

     "Oh my gosh, your right beside we would need some sleep because we have the Bathroom Olympics tomorrow!" I said hurrying towards the exit, she looked at me weirdly.

     "What do you mean the bathroom Olympics?"

     "You know, the 'let's see who can get to the bathroom first out of everyone' competition"

      "Shoot, you're right. Why did they put one bathroom in your house Sofia? I mean yeah you all were a family of 5 then, but now it's a family of 7 and when we visit it's a family of 12." Brisa said turning on the car.

     "I don't know ask my dad," I grabbed some make-up wipes and took my forced make-up off. 

"Well let's just hope that they haven't woken up yet because of the baby. If not, we are screwed." She said going faster than lighting because the next moment we were climbing up to the window and inside. 'We're safe' I thought to change into my white bunny pjs. The moment was cut short when a phone rang and let me tell you that was the loudest ringtone Brisa or I have ever heard. All that was heard was FIREEEEEEEEE OH FIREEEEEEEEE OH EH OH. I quickly ran and answered. 

(Sofia italics)
(Other person in bold)
Um... Oh Hello, who am I speaking to?
It depends on who is asking.
Oh well, this is one of the band members that played tonight. The one in the Naruto costume.
Oh yeah, I remember you.
Ok now that that's out of the way, I was wondering when I could have my phone back?
Oh yeah, um.. how about at 3:00 pm tomorrow and by tomorrow I actually mean later today.
Okay, it works for me. Where do you want to meet up? about the cafe beside the Hit It high school,? 
Sounds great I'll see you there then
Wait before you go can I get your name
Yeah, its Sofia
Ok, mine is Yoongi
Bye have a goodnight Yoongi
You too Sofia.
Call Ends

      "Looks like someone has a date later today," Brisa wiggled her eyebrows, getting ready for bed. 

      "No, all we are going to do is go the cafe and I'm going to give him his phone back that's all," I said being a little disappointed when I realized that that was the truth things wouldn't escalate to anything besides he played last night and had tons of girls going for him. 

     "Ah no, don't you dare think about such things Missy!" she scolded me as if she could read my mind, "Even if there other fans, there is always a chance even if it is only .01% take it. It's better than nothing." I started to fell a little better after that. 

      "And you say this because......?"

      "Well, you know that answer is one of our mottos. One becomes wise not by studying, but by experience and boy, have I experienced rejection. But that never stops me now does it?" After that conversation, we drifted off to sleep.

--Suga's POV-
      After we were greeted by the Sailor Moon girl and m- I mean the Angel, we quickly had to leave. "That was fun. We could wear costumes and no one knew who we were until we performed so we had some time for ourselves," Jin said getting out of the car. 

    "I agree," said Namjoon. 

      "Hey Yoongi hyung, can I borrow your phone for a second?" Kookie asked. 

     "Yeah, why?" I started to pull it out. 

      "So that I can make sure your high score in piano tiles isn't higher than mine."  It wasn't until I pulled out a rice crispy treat, that I realized I had lost my phone. 

      "Oh, can I have it hyung," he still asked

     "Sure," I gave it to him without any question. "Hey guys, have you all seen my phone?" Nope was all I got back. I decided to call my phone because I was too lazy to retrace my steps. I borrowed Jimin's phone and dialed. "Hello?" A familiar voice picked up. (I don't feel like typing all that again so you get the point so time skip!) 

     "Sofia, huh," I said smiling to myself. 

     "Oh Yoongi has a date tomorrow," Hobi said throwing a pillow towards me.

     "Yoongi hyung, the human rock has an actual date with a girl?" Taehyung questioned.

      "What? Yoongi hyung is having a date? With who?" Kookie said looking up while eating his rice crispy treat.

      "With a girl named Sofia, she has my phone. But her voice sounded familiar." I said smiling. 

     "Haha, hyung is smiling because of Sofia," Kookie said teasingly. 

     "Jeon Jungkook, don't you make us get on your case," Jimin said scolding. 

     "He's right, all night you stared at the girl in Sailor Moon cosplay and didn't try to speak to her," Namjoon said. 

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