Chapter 3: Stranger Ahead

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-Sofia POV-

     But instead, I saw a leg and followed it up to see a person sleeping against the wall wearing a Naruto cosplay. 'Wow, well he went all out that's for sure.' Being the nice person I was I decided to wake that person up. "Um...Hey, wake up. I don't think that sleeping in the middle of a Halloween party is a good idea. They might do some crazy things to you." I said shaking the figure a bit. 

     "Huh? What am I doing here," he said waking up slowly. His accent was strong but I couldn't make it out. 

     "Um... Maybe to party, or have fun, or eat the fo-," I suddenly stopped, I hadn't noticed how close our faces were until that moment. "Sorry," I said backing away. 

     "It's okay do you by any chance have the time?" he asked getting up. I looked at my phone.

       "It's 9:55." When he heard the time he quickly got up and disappeared into the crowd. "Well that was weird," I said getting up. I managed to find my cousin by the punch bowl smiling like an idiot. "What? Do I have something on my face?" I said standing next to her. 

     "Nope, but you just talked to a boy!" she squealed. 

     "Oh yeah, then he left after I told him the time he might have had to go meet his girlfriend somewhere," I said drinking the punch that was yet to become spiked. 

     "Nah, I saw him come with a bunch of friends," she said blushing. 

     "Ok, which one," I teased. 

      "I don't know what you're talking about Sofia," 

      "Would you like me to tell your parents that you actually have your license, planned a party behind their backs, and have been sneaking around town for this party?" I said smiling.

      "You wouldn't," 

      "Try me," I said pulling out my phone. "Ok, fine it was his friend that came as Detective Conan, he was so hot," she said beginning to fangirl.

-Yoongi's POV-

     "It's 9:55." the girl in the angel costume said. I quickly got up and headed backstage with the rest of the members. When I got there I saw that everyone was teasing Kookie. "Hey what's going on?" I asked standing next to RapMon. 

     "Nothing, It's just that Kookie was staring at a girl wearing a Sailor Moon costume ever since we got here," said Taehyung getting his mic ready for the performance. 

     "Hey hyung, where have you been? I remember we came in together, but after that, you disappeared." Hobi stated.

      "Oh..... I went to sleep by the snack table and after a few minutes a cute girl wearing an angel costume came and woke me up, for a second I thought I had gone to heaven until I realized all the loud music in the background." I said 

     "Wait what?!" Jimin pushed Kookie out the way. It took me a moment to realize what I had said. 

     "Wait she wasn't cute, she just had a pretty voice that's all," I said looking away. 

     "Well let's go, we can't have our fans waiting any longer," Jin said looking at the clock that marked that it was 10:00. We soon got on stage and everything got quiet. Then I saw a girl wearing a Sailor Moon costume,  I glanced at Kookie and sure enough, he was staring at her. She came on stage and began to speak. 

     "Okay everyone I know that this party has been a blast, but we still have a surprise for you all. We have a band that has come to perform for us tonight so please give them a warm welcome," she said. Soon she had already disappeared back into the crowd and we were on stage. 

     "Hey everyone we are BTS and we came to perform for you tonight," said Namjoon. Soon Dope began and everyone loved it. When my part came on I saw the girl dressed as an Angel next to the Sailor Moon one. I unexpectedly blew a kiss her way, she blushed and waved back at me. At that moment my heart felt something that I had never felt before, but I shook it off and kept performing. When it was over Jin hyung came up to me, "Hey Yoongi, did you blow that kiss for your angel" he said teasingly. "Yes, No I don't know," I looked away blushing.

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