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Leah's POV: 

I rushed into the diner, already an hour late for work.

"Leah! May I know why you're late?" Ken asked with a disapproving frown on his face.

Ken was the boss of the diner. He was a fairly nice guy, but in his book, punctuality was one of the most important values. According to him, "no one will take you seriously if you aren't punctual."

"I'm sorry, Ken. I got held up at school." I apologised quickly, whilst putting on my apron.

"You know I hate people who are not punctual, Leah. I expect you to stay back an hour today, is that clear?" Ken scolded.

I nodded my head immediately, glad to be let off the hook.

Until I realised today was Friday. 

Which meant that Samuel would be coming home early today.

And since I would be late, I wouldn't have enough time to prepare dinner.

"Goddamnit!" I cussed under my breath. Samuel knew I was working, and frankly, he didn't care. To him, it just meant that he didn't have to waste any money on me.

But he absolutely hated it when he did not have his dinner served to him on a silver platter.

I sighed. There was nothing I could do to change my fate. This was the life I was meant for. I was already used to it, yet there was still hope left in my heart, the fire everlasting, that one day, my life would change for the better.

Yet that was not to happen. Today was Friday, and Samuel knew I did not have to go to school for the next two days. Not going to school meant not interacting with anyone other than him. Which meant that he wouldn't let me go easily.


The three hours of work passed by slowly, yet for me, it went too fast. I was dreading returning back to the house for my 'punishment'. When the time was up, I returned my apron swiftly, grabbed my bag, and ran all the way back to the house, in hopes that Samuel had been caught up in work and had returned late today.

All hope was lost when I ran up the drive way. Samuel's car, in all its glory, was parked outside. I sighed. All my efforts were for nothing. Putting up my emotionless facade yet again, I stepped into the house. 

Time to face my doom.


Author's Note:

Hey all!

I'm sorry this chapter was so short, but I have just been having writer's block lately. That and a huge pile of homework waiting for me to complete:/

Anyways, hope you guys liked this chapter! I'll try to update as soon as I can!

Please follow, vote, and comment!


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