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I stepped into school hesitantly. This was the third time I was late for school this week. I had been beaten on Tuesday because Samuel's scrambled eggs had not enough pepper in them, and I was slapped yesterday because his bacon was overcooked. I exhaled slightly, before making my way to the administrative office to sign in and to collect my late pass.

After signing in and receiving a disapproving look from our school's office lady, Ms Roger, I reluctantly trudged to AP History, which was my first period. Maintaining good grades were the only thing that stopped Samuel from beating me to death. When he had a client he needed to impress, he would introduce me as that 'talented daughter of mine', and would boast about how I was the top 1% in the school. If he managed to get a deal with the client, he would then leave me be for a few days without abusing me at all. To me, those few days were heaven. If he didn't get the deal, the following few days were hell.

Knocking on the door, I pulled my hoodie further down to cover my face as I stepped into the lecture theatre. I handed my late pass to Mr Denley while mumbling a 'sorry' under my breath. I was pretty lucky as Mr Denley was a considerably understanding teacher who normally wouldn't cause a big fuss as long as you apologised. Not making eye contact with anybody, I scanned the room for a seat. I hurriedly walked to the only empty seat in the room, and sat down, not paying attention to who was seating beside me. Taking out my History textbook, I started focusing on the chapter we were currently learning.


I knew the person sitting beside me was trying to attract my attention, yet I pretended I didn't hear anything, focusing on the lecture with complete concentration.

"Hey! Hoodie girl!" A low, husky voiced whispered.

Oh. I was sitting next to a guy. I didn't know why, but hearing his voice sent shivers up my spine. Not once breaking my emotionless facade, I stared straight at the screen, ignoring him.



"Hoodie girl!"


"Can you talk to me?"


That was when I felt a sharp object poking my side. I hissed, finally breaking contact with the screen as I placed my hands on the side of my stomach. Samuel used his belt to whip me a few days ago because I forgot to wash the tie he wanted to wear on that day.

I could feel the guy's eyes on me as I slowly removed my hands from my waist and flipped the page of the textbook.

"Hey, are you okay?"


I'm sorry, did I hurt you?"



"I'm fine." I snapped. I was extremely annoyed with him. Couldn't he tell I was trying so hard to focus on the freaking lesson?

He didn't speak for the remaining twenty minutes.

When the bell rang, I picked up my bag and rushed out of class.


Asher's POV:

"Asher! Time to wake up!" A male voice called out to me.

I groaned and covered my head with the blanket.

"Asher! Wake up!"

I turned on my side and continued ignoring the voice.

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