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Stephanie's POV

I woke up around three in the afternoon. I waltzed downstairs and took out the bread, making a grilled cheese sandwich. Mathew came down the stairs and looked at me. He probably came home this morning and crashed in his 'office'. Glorified boy cave.

"Babe, where's mine?" he asked. I paused and looked down at the other half of my meal.

"Here," I said, making up a lie and pushing the plate across the table to him, " I didn't know if you ate already so I only made half." He looked at me for a second before grabbing the plate and smiling.

"Thanks chipmunk. Get ready by 8. I'm taking you out tonight to the club," he said and walked away. I sighed. He wants to take me to a club. Great. I finished the sandwich in my hand and made another whole one for myself. I was washing the dishes when I heard my phone go off. A message notification. I had four hours until I was expected to go. I opened the message and saw that it was from Logan.

'I know I can treat you better'

I frowned. What is he implying? I was about to reply until another message came through.

'Just know that you don't have to do this alone. Promise I'll never let you down'

I studied the message before realizing what he meant. Moved with a sudden realization and bravery, I devised a plan. If I have to end this, I needed to end this tonight. I went for a walk outside. I wondered to a local cafe, getting a hot drink to sip on while I planned my escape. 

7pm on the clock and I was back at home getting ready. I decided not to dress up so I wore some plain jeans, t-shirt and a throw-over. I was brushing my hair when I heard the door slam.

That's how you know he's here, I said sarcastically to myself. I got my phone and walked downstairs. Mathew stood by the door. When I was on the last step, he looked up from his phone and smiled. His smile no longer held any meaning to me, it only further made me want to get away from him. My skin crawled at the sight.

"Glad you're on time," he said to me.

"Not like I had a choice," I replied nonchalantly. I opened the door and walked to the car, sitting in the passenger seat. We drove towards the club, passing a gas station. Mathew grinned and started turning the car like an idiot on drugs.

"What are you doing?" I asked him grabbing the seats.

"Just having some fun. Look! I'm a racecar driver," he said and drifted around the gas station. I let out a small scream as he recklessly drove in a circle. I mentally said my last prayer. He then pulled out and began to drive on the wrong side of the road. An on-coming vehicle swerved to the side to avoid getting hit. I shut my eyes waiting for death. After nothing happened, I opened them to see that we were on the right side of the road again.

"Mathew!" I almost screamed, "you almost got us killed!" Mathew looked at me and rolled his eyes.

"Live a little babe," he said. I huffed. I was furious. Good thing we're going to the club so I could maybe relax and get away from him. We parked and went through the line, getting in without a question. Mathew saw his friends and pulled me towards them, his hands on my waist. It was the usual group from the plant and a few others. The girls were all dressed in slutty clothing and were glaring at me or any other girl who tried to come close to them or the guys. I pulled away from Mathew.

"I'm going to dance," I said. He nodded absentmindedly.

"I'll be on the side," he said smirking. I shrugged and went towards the middle where I couldn't see him too well. After dancing to some songs, I turned to find him leaning up against the wall dancing with one of the girls from the group. I wasn't jealous, but I was mad that he was disrespecting me in public. We were supposed to be in a relationship and he's being unfaithful without a care. He was clearly whispering things in her ear that made her giggle and pull him into her. I stalked towards them. I guess the girl saw me coming because she walked away from him after watching my way. I walked up to him and he held my waist, oblivious. I pushed his hands off and pushed him back into the wall.

"What are you doing with her?" I seethed. I was secretly hoping we would break up right here so that I can be free.

"Just wanted to know if she was down to have some fun," Mathew replied smiling lazily. How drunk was he? Probably still sober. I scoffed.

"You can't do that, you're in a relationship," I said. He laughed at me. His laughing drowned out by the music.

"Sweetie, of course I can. I have been doing it ever since we dated. How do you think I managed to stay with your prude ass all this time?" he admitted.

This is it

"We're through then. We're breaking up. You can be with other people now so you wouldn't have to be with my 'Prude ass'," I told him.

"Fine!" he half-yelled, "I didn't want you anyways!" I mentally sighed and jumped for joy. I faked an upset face. If I got him to break up with me publicly, there was nothing he could do to lie and say otherwise.

"Fine! I'm out. Don't come by me ever again, I don't want to see you ever," I said and stormed out of there. I got in the car and started it up with the keys he gave me before he started drinking. I was free. I was finally finished with this crappy relationship. I felt like I could do anything right now. I was going to go back home and then grab my suitcase I packed earlier and go to Logan's.

I can finally be with Logan.

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