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Stephanie's POV

 We got into his car and I buckled up promptly. He sped off and turned on the radio. Gym Class Hero's 'Stereo hearts' came on. I scoffed at the song and folded my arms as I looked out the window. Same ole' scenery, same ole' town. Mathew was silent the whole ride except when he would curse at the people who were driving slower than him. He drove almost at the peak of the speed limit. The car swerved into a side road, knocking the wind out of me. I grabbed on for dear life and looked at Mathew, wide eyed.

"What was that?" I asked him, my heart beating out of my chest. He chuckled.

"This is the way to the adventure," he replied. We didn't speak a word after that. We got to the abandoned power plant entrance and the gate was being pulled open for us. As his car drove further in, I saw that it was one of his friends, Kyle, who had opened it. Mathew parked next to another car which was situated across from two motorcycles. Mathew got out and I followed. I recognized the people standing before me. They were all people my mother warned me about in my young teens. Yet somehow, I found company in them as my 'boyfriend's' best friends. I sighed and made my way over to them. The sun was about to set and it was getting cold. I ran my hands up and down my arms. The hoodie alone was not enough this time of the year. Mathew pulled me along towards a wire fence.

"Here! We are going to watch them jump into the lake and freeze their arses off," Mathew chuckled, his accent coming through. I watched as his friends climbed onto one of those huge cylos and jump into the lake. Mathew, who was behind me started banging on the fence and howling at them. I laughed under my breath as it caused one of them to push off the other. I turned around which made me trap myself in between him and the fence. My smile dropped as he smirked at me. I pinched my cheek and walked away to the opening, where his friends were coming out. I rubbed my cheek from the stinging sensation and followed him. He took off his shirt and had it hanging from around his neck. Kyle then opened a large pipe nearby and water or at least I hope it was water, started pouring out. Mimicking rain. Mathew smiled and looked up in the sky, sticking his tongue out as if he was a little kid again. I smiled at this sight which reminded me of the good person he was when I first met him. He then came in front of me and knelt down. He hugged my waist. Burying his face in my stomach. I ran my hand through his hair and laughed at his foolishness.

"I told you that you would enjoy this!" He said getting up. Beaming like a kid.

"Yeah it's pretty cool," I said.

"Here try this," he said, collecting the water in his hands and washing it over his face. I did the same. It felt refreshing. I nodded. Just by thinking of refreshing things, my mind wondered back to Logan. What was he doing? Should I call him? Is he thinking about me? Mathew, as if noticing my uneasiness, looked at me. He then jumped on the hood of his car and spread his arms in the air.

"Well guys, it looks like our adventure is over as I've got to take my little girl home before it's past her bedtime," he announced while watching me carefully. Everyone groaned. He took my hand and forced me in the car. After he shut my door, he stood outside talking to them quietly. I shivered, not just from the coldness and rain but from a gut feeling on what might happen later. I don't know what I did but I had a feeling that I'd find out when we get home.

Logan's POV

Panicking. That's what I was doing. It was already 10pm and Steph hadn't called me as yet. I didn't want to call her incase HE answered. I rolled my eyes at the thought. I tried to tell myself that she's alright and that she'd call when she was ready. I was pacing in my room trying to figure out what to do. Minutes passed and I gave up on the idea to call her, I didn't want to get her in trouble. I went into the bathroom and opened the sink pipe. I sighed and pulled my shirt over my head. I steadied myself, placing both hands on the sink and looking into the mirror. I was going to take a shower because all this stress and worrying over one girl wasn't doing anything good for me. She was flooding my mind like the water flooding the sink. I sighed and rubbed my face with my hands. 

"Why can't she see that I can treat her better than he can?" I said to myself in the mirror. I pushed myself off and walked into the shower turning on the water. Hoping it would wash away my anxiety.

Stephanie's POV

The ride back home was filled with tension. Thick tension that I could carve with a knife. We got to the small house I called home and Mathew came around. He yanked open the door and dragged me inside. He locked the door behind him after pushing me through it. He pulled me upstairs to our room.

"What's your problem?" he growled. I looked at him confused. I pointed to myself just to make sure he hadn't finally lost it. He laughed sarcastically.

"Yes, you! One moment you're having fun and the next you're ruining everyone's mood by staring off into space and thinking," Mathew said. I leaned against the wall behind me. He was really going off the deep end.

"I didn't mean to ruin everyone's mood," I said, "I just have to think sometimes."

"Thinking gets you killed, you know that right?" He asked. I looked him straight in the eyes. Not surprised by his statement.

"And not thinking doesn't?" I replied. He rushed towards me and I shut my eyes bracing for impact. A shiver went down my spine as he whispered next to my ear,

"Are you implying that I'm stupid?"

"I'm not saying that you're the brightest person I know," I retorted with sudden bravery.

'Logan is' a voice said from inside my head. Mathew was livid when my eyes met his. He hooked my mouth with his finger and pulled it to one side, turning my face with it. I scoffed accidentally. Wrong move nevertheless. Mathew threw me on the bed with so much force that I thought I was going to break through the bed. He stormed out of the house. I sighed and made my way off the bed after hearing the car race out of the driveway. I knew he was going back to his friends. I walked into my bathroom. I turned the tap on and washed my face. I looked in the mirror. What am I doing? I turned on the shower, letting the cool, harmless water cascade down my hair and body as I walked under it. I stood under for a couple of minutes, just thinking. I got out after washing and changed my clothes. It was already 11. I quickly got my phone, dialing Logan's number. I forgot to call him. He immediately answered.

"Steph!" he exhaled into the phone like he just ran a marathon.

"Hey Lo, sorry I forgot, I just finished taking a bath, came home not too long ago." I said sheepishly. He chuckled deeply and it made my knees turn into jelly, I sat on my bed. His voice sounded amazing, he must've been sleeping.

"Sorry if I woke you," I apologized.

"It's okay, I love hearing your voice," he said, "not making it creepy or anything." He then added quickly after. I chuckled. How adorable.

"Alright then. Nothing bad happened, " I said but then proceeded to tell him what had occurred when we came home. He stayed quiet for a few seconds.

"The sooner you get done with him the better," He said.

"I know. Soon Lo, soon," I whispered. I heard him hum in reply.

"Alright I'm going to bed, I might sleep in very late and stay up for tomorrow night," I warned him, before he got worried if I didn't message him tomorrow.

"Yea, bye Steph, sweet dreams," he said. I replied and hung up. I crawled under the covers and drifted to sleep slowly, knowing Mathew was not coming back tonight.

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