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Logan's POV

 I knew that Stephanie got my messages but she just didn't reply. I hope she breaks up with that jerk. I could treat her better in so many more ways than he can. Anyone can see that. She hadn't called me in a while, but I've been thinking about her all day. She's always there in the back of my mind. I wondered what she was doing, if she was with him, if he was doing anything to her. That last thought made my blood boil. I sighed and got off my bed. I grabbed something to eat from the kitchen. I was almost finished with my food when my phone rang. I picked it up. It was a message from Steph,

'I'm coming over'

I frowned. Of course I was happy but, why was she coming over this late? Did he hurt her? I replied with a thumbs up and waited. Did she break up with him? Is she moving away from me? Is she moving with him? What happened? I closed my eyes and took a short rest.

Stephanie's POV

I got my bags and threw them in the backseat. The engine roared to life for the second time tonight and I pulled out of the driveway. My phone vibrated and I looked at it.

Logan had replied. I grinned and focused on driving. I was so happy, I finally got to do whatever I want without the fear of Mathew. It took at least 10 minutes from my small abode to Logan's. 

I parked and decided that I'd come back down for the bags later. All I needed now was to tell Logan. I walked to his front door, ignoring the butterflies in my stomach. I knocked on his door. No one answered. I bit my lip and knocked again. Maybe he was in the shower or sleeping. I got out my phone and dialed his number.

"Hey!" he said sleepily. I giggled at his voice. Excited to tell him the revelations of the past 24-hours.

"I'm outside, open up," I replied and then hung up. I then heard a series of thuds and 'oh shits' from behind the door. A few more tumbling sounds and Logan's door opened up. He saw me and his eyes raked my body. I hugged him immediately, my arms wrapping around his neck. A hug never felt so good. He wrapped his arms around my waist and squeezed me a little.

"Are you okay? What happened?" He asked frantically. I smiled at his concern.

"I'll tell you inside," I said as I walked into his apartment, holding his hand and leading him up to his room. We sat on his bed and I told him about what had occurred not too long ago.

"So you just went for it and now you're free? Single? Done with him?" he asked. I nodded and smiled. Logan let out a cheer and dived for me happily. He pushed me on the bed and hugged me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and laughed. I embraced his suffocation.

"Finally," Logan groaned.

"Finally," I sighed with relief. Logan propped himself on his elbows and looked at me, grinning. I smiled at him, admiring how good happiness looked on him.

"I've always waited for this day," he said.

"Why?" I asked. He grinned.

"Because you don't know how long I've liked you," I let out a small gasp as he said it with so much furor, "and how long I've waited to do this," he said as he placed his hand on my cheek and closed the distance between our lips. I felt like a nuclear bomb went off. Sparks everywhere. I kissed back and Logan smiled. I pulled his head closer to mines and he deepened the kiss. He pulled back and looked at me.

"I like you too. I did for a while, but didn't fully do something about it until tonight," I told him. His whole face lit up. I laughed and laid my head back as I watched the ceiling. I've always loved Logan ever since we were kids. Lately, since I've gotten past the whimsical love-bombing from Mathew, I noticed that I looked for Logan everywhere. I found solace in him. Not only because he was the closest person to me but because his kindness and heart knew no bounds.

"How long do you plan on liking me?" I asked him.

"Not for long," I made a strange face, "because then I plan on loving you and then marrying you, having a family with you and growing old with you," he finished. Tears filled my eyes.

"Only you for forever," I told him, turning my head to him, ready for another embrace.

"Only you for forever," he repeated quietly as he laid his head on my chest, arms wrapping around me that I knew would never let me go tarnished. I was finally happy again. I looked down at Logan and I knew that this would be the start of another chapter in my life. A happy, long chapter.

(for now)

It's done. Sob. Thank you for making it to the end. Hope you enjoyed it. 
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 See ya!

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