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(This takes place one month after the War with Gaea)

---Will's POV---

I have tried everything to get Nico to like me. First I made him spend three days in the infirmary with me, which he just loved so much. Then I tried to ask him out (but I didn't make it sound too much like a date...I'm desperate but I'm not that desperate.) I even tried to get him to watch a movie with me or go to the beach, but he keeps turning me down.

I don't know what I was thinking. He's probably not even into me. Of course the cutest boys have to be straight.

I sighed and walked over to the Aphrodite cabin. Maybe Piper can help me. I knocked and Drew answered the door. Ugh really, her again?

"Hey Will. What up?" She said, "casually" leaning in the doorway

"Can I talk to Piper?" I asked

"Wouldn't you rather talk to me?"

"Not really." I shoved pass Drew to Pipers bunk.

"Hey Piper can I talk to you for a second?"

She moved over on her bed and patted next to her for me to sit down.

"Yeah what's up?" She asked.

Piper already knows that I'm gay. I had tried to talk to her before but Drew always got in the way.

"Um so there is this..guy I like."

"Awe who?! Do I know him?"

"Um, yeah. It's Nico." I chuckle nervously hoping she won't make fun of me.

"Awe that's adorable!!! What do you need help with?"

"So I don't know if he likes me or not. I keep asking him if he wants to hang out but he always says no then goes into his cabin."

"Okay, he definitely likes you! I could tell. He is always blushing around you and your the only one he really lets get close to him. Even if it's for a minute. Awe this is so cute!" She started rambling on about us and how we would make a cute couple.

"Yeah so how do I ask him to go out with me?" I cut her off and asked

"Oh you don't ask. Nico is way too shy to say yes. You tell him." She said smiling.

"Um okay. Are you sure this will work?" I asked.

"Positive!!! Now go and talk to him!" She said really excited.

"Okay, thanks Piper." I say nervously then walk out of the cabin. I keep telling myself I can do this as I walk towards his cabin.

I slowly walk to the door and knock.

I hope you guys liked that chapter. It's a Prologue so it's going to be a little short. Sorry if it's bad I'm pretty tired but I kinda wanted to get this published tonight. The regular chapters will be much better and longer. I'll try to update again tomorrow or tonight. Anyway please forgive typos, vote, comment, and enjoy!

The Sun Won't Shine Here (a solangelo fanfic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora