Problem #1

370 19 35

You've been mistaken for an older kid more than a few times and have been told you're tall for your age (And grade)

Adult: Are you 18?
Me (In my head): Bitch, do I look fucking 18? If I was, I'd be able to get in my car and run your dumbass over!!!!
Me (What I actually say): No, I'm 14, sir/ma-am. I'll be 18 in four years
Adult: Oh, sorry. You're tall for your age
Me (In my head): *sarcastically* Never heard that before...

This has happened to me about 20 times!! Most of the people asking me are old folks up at my great-grandpa's nursing home. But I politely correct them because I respect my elders.

Discussion question: What are some moments you've experienced where people thought you were older because you're tall?

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