Chapter 15

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Grace's P.O.V

"Wake up."

I groggily got up to see Noah standing next to me.

"What." I asked annoyed.

"We haven't checked the attic."

"Its still night?"

"No, its morning."

"Well that gets rid of one excuse. I don't want to see the attic. Get someone else!"

"Everyone else is asleep!"

"I WAS asleep."

"Yes, and now your awake."

"Go see the attic by yourself." I whined, going back to bed. "Get out and let me rest or Ill clock you."

I ignored the rest of what he said until I fell asleep.

Noah's P.O.V

Might as well see the attic myself. Why did I think she would be up at six AM, why did I* even wake up at six AM. I pulled down the ladder steps and walked up.

"Oh." I thought aloud.

There was a family of zombies. A mom, a dad, and two young boys. All looking out the window. Must have died from lack of water, it does only take two days to die without water. Why didn't they just go downstairs. Well, I don't know what happened so I cant judge. I shot the mom, dad, and oldest boy, but the youngest boy turned around to face me, he looked so sad. It was hard to kill him, but I did. I took a corner of his rotting shirt. Ill take it everywhere, a part of him will see the world. I put the piece of cloth in my pocket and walked back down the steps. I rolled the stairs back up and went downstairs. I looked through the fridge, some chicken, a few juice's, gallon of milk, an apple or two, some potatoes, and some things called "food bowl" each one had a different thing in them. In one there was some roast beef slices, some cheese, and some lettuce. In another there was corn, more lettuce, and carrot slices. Better than bread. I ate one of the food bowl's and threw all the plastic away. What should I do. I heard the door swing open and I rushed to it. I aimed my pistol at a man with red curly hair.

"Please... Don't... Shoot..." He said in-between panting.

"Why not!"

"Please! I just need somewhere for me and my friends to stay!" He pleaded.

I paused before putting my gun down. Im too trusting.

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