How to cake that

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So this is how to make a chocolate bar . It's easy simple and cheap.
The things u will need are going to be:
•1 cup of coca powder
•1 cup of milk
•1 cup of water
•2 spoons of sugar
•1/2 a cup of soaked nuts and raisins ( optional ) ( soak it overnight)
• Castor sugar
• a chocolate template ( it can be made of cardboard )
•Aluminium foil
•baking spray
•wax paper / sand paper
Now let's cake it all together 🍫

Take a bowl and add the coca powder,  1 spoon sugar and soaked alms and whisk together. Then take a pan and put it on medium heat and add the water and 1 spoon of left over sugar And toss slowly until caramelised. Then add it into your whisked mixture and mix . After that add milk to it . Then put it in the microwave for 30 second's not more and mix again . The more u mix the more its soft . Then put the mixture into the template and bake it for 20 mins . Then take of your template and rub the chocolate with either wax paper or sand paper. And then wrap your chocolate with foil to preserve.

How To Cake That - With RealmiteJane  { Cook Book }Where stories live. Discover now