Chapter Two - The end is Near

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The older man cleared his throat as he waited for the members of the press to open their folders to the appropriate page before speaking again,

"The two interstellar objects are being observed and tracked by hundreds of observatories around the world both federally funded and those from the private sector as well as the sensitive equipment on board the Hubble telescope, the international space station, and the "New Eden" colony complex itself, so we have access to millions of lines of data from a multitude of sources.

Unfortunately the entire Scientific and Military community has come to the same conclusion. We are no longer dealing with a hypothetical "what if" scenario, but a cold, irrefutable fact.

The smaller of the two objects designated X - 762B has begun to fall from it's orbit and will continue to follow a trajectory that will have it entering our atmosphere within as close as we can estimate at this time, the next ninety six hour or four days.

If our recent calculations are correct it should make landfall an estimated two hundred miles or so west of the California, Mexico coastline." The man paused as he looked out at the audience, he could see the fear on their faces while others sat motionless, the shock evident in their eyes as one man raised his hand.

"You there, in the tan jacket. What is your name and question? " the doctor asked.

"Charles Haskins, CNN International sir. You said two hundred miles or so, are you not sure?" He asked.

"Until the object gets closer we can't be absolutely certain because of numerous variables such as, how much mass could burn off when it enters the atmosphere, if it breaks up into smaller pieces or remains whole, the speed of it's entry versus the Earths own rotation, weather etc, etc."

Next to him a younger woman spoke up,
"Natalia Worthy, Associated Press, Wahington Bearu. I understand that a lot of differences exist between the possible land fall versus a water landing. Could you give all of us a overview of what we could expect to see?"

The doctor smiled politely as he spoke,
"That is a very good question requiring a complex answer but I will do my best. Lets say 762B holds together after entering the atmosphere.

"First you must realize that 762Bis the smaller of the two main pieces but as close as we can tell, it is roughly the size of the state of Delaware and will be traveling at somewhere in the neighborhood of fifteen thousand miles per hour before impact.

If it hits the water at that speed first the surrounding water closest to its white hot, possibly half molten surface with instantly vaporize into steam. Next the water not vaporized on impact will be pushed or displaced in all directions, picture a rock thrown into a pond..the ripples created have got to go somewhere.

Then the Asteroid's mass will no doubt crash into the ocean's floor creating the same ripple effect sending a shockwave through the planets rock and dirt surface. Thus creating earthquakes and sending dirt, rock and debris into the skies above."

A second man stepped up to the podium and raised his hands upward to settle the crowd before speaking,
"Ladies and gentlemen all the information has been made available in the folders you received, we trust your agencies will get the important information out to the general public. Another press conference will be scheduled in a couple days after we have had time to analyze the latest data. Please excuse us, we must return to work." With the last words the man escorted the gathering of researchers of the stage and away from the press.

A new voice comes over the radio as Jake and Louis stand silent trying to understand what they had just heard.

"Ladies and gentlemen that was a live news conference from the officials at Goddard Space Center, we have roughly four days before one of the pieces land so my advice to you is simple. Find higher ground away from the coast. Two gather your family and friends close, three gather up emergency supplies, food, water, medical supplies and lastly....if you pray, then pray, if you don't, may be a good time to start. That's all from wkeh now back to the music ".....


Louis shook his head as he looked at the visibly shaken Jake,
"Jake we are pretty far from the coasts, if we did get a storm surge how would this area hold up?"

Jake turned toward the map and run his finger over it til he found their position,
"Well, I'd say where we are now would be relatively secure because we aren't directly on one of the main trunk lines. Here we are on one of the off shoot like a branch. This line was never completed, so the water we see is from the ground water or a underground spring, I can't say the same for the others though.

I think we would be ok for awhile as far as that goes, unless by slim chance these four main lines flood completely and all of the pumps fail at once....then it could take weeks for them to drain naturally. ..I can't hold my breath that long." He joked.

Louis chuckled as he bent down to tie his boot,
" neither can I so we best be finding somewhere above ground to hole up, just in case we have to bail. Come on I have a promise to keep.."

Jake reached under his bed pulling out two cloth gun cases, unzipping the first he lifted a well worn, hunting rifle complete with scope and folding bipod beneath it's barrel. Seeing Louis watching him he chuckled,
"My great grandpa's best hunting rifle ever made the 22/250."

He sets the case aside dropping four clips into his pocket before unzipping the second case. Lifting a Mossberg twelve gauge from the cloth he begins slipping shells into the slot underneath as he speaks,
"Here ya go mate, can't let ya go unprepared now can i? The magazine has been extended to hold nine, plus one in the chamber, pump action with no choke so be careful. Shooting slugs is on thing but you have a mix of buckshot, slug and birdshot, and the bandolier has fifty rounds on it."

Louis chuckled as he slipped the belt over his shoulder, the shotgun had pistol grips and a sling making it compact and easy to carry as Jake led the way up the metal steps toward the hatch above.

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