Chapter 5.

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She was as beautiful as the ocean on a dark night. Her laugh was loud, but contagious and sounded like nothing more than the lyrics to a love song. Her smile could light up the entire world, with her white teeth shining brightly like a newly cleaned diamond. Everything about that girl, was so perfect. If only I remembered who she was.

I could hear the voices of the city people. It wasn't clear, and I couldn't quite hear what they were saying, but I knew they were there. The male teacher was there too, I heard him quite often, talking to the others. There was always female voices, but they changed. Only one ever stayed, and it was the girl I remembered seeing in all of my dreams.

I never knew why I was laying in the middle of a street, and why I couldn't move, or open my eyes, or talk, or even scream for help. All I could do, is lay here and listen to everyone. I guess, it was kind of peaceful, and I didn't really feel the need to do any of those things. It was like I was constantly sleeping, but yet I felt so, so tired. And all my dreams were confusing, like they had happened before and I was just watching it all over again. But then, they felt so real.

I could feel the street people touch my hands, only ever my hands, no where else. Sometimes, the man and the girl would touch my forehead. Why wouldn't they help me up off this damn street so I can get on with my day? Whatever that was anyways. I don't know what or who I was most looking forward to seeing again when my eyes open, but a part of me really wanted to see the blonde girl again. She had disappeared from my dream only a short time ago. Everything about her had vanished, I couldn't even remember her name, but I felt somewhat attached to her.

Every few moments of laying completely still, I would see light getting closer and closer to me. Everything else was dark, only faces would pop up sometimes. Most of the time, I couldn't tell who they were because the shadows would over take their facial features. But the light, it was like a white circle with beams out every side, and it would just inch its way closer to me. Part of me hoped it wasn't the highway to heaven, but another part of me felt at peace thinking this was what it was like to be dead. It would only be a matter of time before the light touches me, and I hoped it was something for the best, and nothing to give me pain.

My dreams began to fade over time, now all I could see was darkness and the light before me, slowly creeping closer. I wonder what is on the other side of the light. But, I can't put together a picture I might see. I can't put together things I have seen before. I feel like, I am being re-born, and I know I shouldn't remember what that feels like, and I don't, but I somehow feel like this is it. Maybe I am about to enter the world for the first time. Maybe every thing that had happen in my before life, really never happened. 

I remember vaguely who I am, or was. I remember I had a mom, an Abuela and some friends here and there. I remember the big two story building I lived in, but can't remember which room was mine, or if I had one at all. I remember high school, kind of. I remember the parties, and some people I have met. Yet my brain just can't put together why this blonde girl kept jumping to the front of my thoughts.

The light was so close, closer than ever before -

My eyes flickered, and the light became a room. A white room, with faces here and there. I managed to focus on the blonde girl leaning over me. She had tears streaming down her cheeks, as she spoke something that I couldn't quite piece together. I frowned, and looked to the door, then back to this girl. 

"Do-do, I-I, know, you?" Did I just say that? I think those words escaped from my mouth, and judging by the girls reaction, I think they might of. She let go of my hand, and stepped back, covering her mouth. My vision became a little clearer as I really took in the appearance of this familiar girl. She looked tired, way too tired to be standing before me awake. Her eyes that were filled with tears, were red and swollen. Her arms were almost blue, probably from the cold. She was in a black T-shirt, with a jacket wrapped around her waist. 

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