Chapter 9.

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Santanas P.O.V

It had been a month now since I had woken up from my coma. Re-adjusting to life was a little difficult knowing I had missed out on over a month of happenings. Brittany and Cass were really supportive and helped me day by day with activities. It wasn't that I had forgotten anything, it was just the fact that a whole month was missing and it was hard to understand that and go on as if nothing had happened.

Brittany and I had started back at school a little over a week ago. We thought that it would be better for my rehabilitation to be surrounded by those I was with before my accident. Although I was heart broken that I had missed Regionals, I was overly excited for Nationals, and so proud of the team for putting on the best performance despite me being in a critical condition. 

I woke up to my alarm going off next to me, and rolled over to see Brittany still sound asleep. She quite often slept through alarms, so each morning, my first chore was waking her up. And we all know that she is not the morning person.

She looked so peaceful, and so beautiful laying there. Her breathing was so soft, and in a somewhat nice rhythm. Everything about her made me smile. She was so damn beautiful, and her personality was amazing. She was so kind, and funny, and she knew exactly how to cheer someone up. The fact that she stayed by my side throughout my entire six weeks of being in a coma, proved to me that she was in fact, the love of my life and I would do anything to have her by my side throughout my life. 

I never would have pictured my life being like this, back a year ago. I pictured me graduating from school and ready to take on university. I never would have thought I had found love, or had any friends, or even living with my father, his family, and my fiance. It's crazy how some things can change in the matter of time.

I rolled out of bed, instead of waking Britt up, and made my way downstairs to the kitchen. Cass was leaning against the bench with her phone in her hand, smiling down at it. It was rather quiet down here this morning, usually we'd hear the kids running around or arguing, but this morning was different.

"Where's the fam?" I asked Cass, who did not hear me. "Hello?" I sung.

"Oh, mornin'." She smiled, then shot back down at her phone.

"Whoever you're texting must be seriously interesting because I asked a question,"

"Sorry, what?" She placed her phone on the bench, and looked to me still smiling.

I raised an eyebrow and smirked. I know exactly what is happening here, this tough, hard core girl, is talking to someone she likes. I know she is.

"What?" She bit her lower lip.

"How's your love life?" I snarled, jokingly. Before she answered, I turned to the fridge and grabbed out the orange juice.

"I don't have one," She spoke, calmly. 

"Oh come on," I laughed, pouring juice into a glass. "You do not work over twelve hours a day. We know you are up to something,"

"Nothing, for real."

"For real? When have you ever said that," I laughed. I took a sip of the orange juice just as Cass's phone loudly beeped. I raised an eyebrow, looking to her. She smiled, grabbed her phone, and the smile stayed while she tapped away. Once she had finished typing a novel, she put her phone down and looked to me. I raised my eyebrow, waiting for her to speak.

"Fine. I may have meet someone,"

"Someone as in?" I asked, climbing onto the bench. I sat down with my legs dangling and looked down to her. "Spill."

I'm Unbroken. ~(Sequel to I'm Not Leaving)Where stories live. Discover now