Chapter 8.

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Cass's P.O.V

It had been a week since I hung out with Varlie. We text every so often, but hadn't got around to hanging out again just yet. She was so busy with her job, and family. I wasn't busy at all, but I made my days worth while. The power couple started back at school, so I was left alone daily. It got very boring, so I decided to job hunt. Which is where my day begins, a job interview.

I threw on a leather jacket, to complete the outfit I had decided to wear today. Which was just black jeans, boots, and a black and white band tee. I pulled my shoulder length hair into a ponytail, and left out my fringe and all the bits that didn't reach the ponytail. I grabbed my wallet and phone, as well as the CV I had put together and other useful information my new potential employer may need. 

"Nervous?" A voice called behind me as I stood looking in the mirror. I turned around to face the brunette.

I shrugged my shoulders. "Not really. The worst that could happen is they say no,"

"That is true," Sonia smiled. "Rob, myself and the kids are going to my parents for the night. Will you girls be okay?"

I nodded, "We will be fine,"

"I'll go out today and get some food for you guys to snack on, but we should be back by the afternoon tomorrow,"

"You don't have to get food, I am sure there's enough in the cupboard to last a lifetime." I smiled. Sonia smiled back, then nodded. "Good luck for your interview, I am sure you will do great," She spoke before leaving my bedroom.

Sonia was the nicest person anyone could ever come across. She always made sure you were happy, healthy and looking nice. She put everyone else before herself, and made sure all our needs were met before her own. She was the most soft spoken, kind hearted, loyal woman. The kids were lucky to have her as a mom, and Santana was lucky enough to have her as her step-mother. I myself am lucky enough to have such a wonderful mother figure in my life.

I walked out the door, closing it behind then walked around the back of the house and down the street to the restaurant that I had applied at. Santana and Brittany used to work at the one across the road, so I didn't want to apply there in case they work there again. The three of us living, working and breathing under all the same roofs would drive us all mad. Me especially. The restaurant I arrived to, was more of a teenagers hanging out place. It served burgers, fries and fizzy, but in a calm, exciting atmosphere which was probably why it was so popular in the teenage population. 

I walked up to the front desk, and told them who I was. I was then escorted around the back, and was made to wait outside a door. I stood impatiently, waiting to get this over and done with. The door open, and my eyes met a really familiar pair of eyes staring back at me. "Hey Cass," she spoke, then walked back a little. 

"This must be a mistake," I spoke, walking in and closing the door behind me. "I was here for an interview?"

"Or do you just really like to hang out with me?" She smiled, stepping closer to me.

"No, I was here for a job?"

"No, you just really like hanging out with me," She spoke, in a low whisper, close to my ear, sending shivers down my spine. "Did you miss me?"

"It's been a week," 

Of course I missed her. That night was the first night I had truly opened myself up to another individual. It was the one night I really got to know someone, and get under their skin instead of just into their pants. The one night, I had finally let my guard down, and connected with someone on more than just the psychical level. And I would be lying if I said that I had never developed feelings for her.

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