Worst Day EVER!

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That morning my dad is going to take us out for chipotle at the mall. The mall isent my favorite place anymore.   Dad said we had and hour to get ready to go. I was ready hoddie legginggs and boots hair down. We started getting in the truck and we were gone. We got there and parked and started walking. Next thing I notice was the blood from my mom. That is when my heart lost it I started crying. I fell to my knees I was yelling and then I noticed I was out. I woke up in my bed. "Hey finally your awake" my dad said happy. "What happed to me" I said confused. "You had a little breakdown at the mall" dad said slowly. "Oh" I said still cofused. "Just lay here and rest for a little bit" my dad said walking away. "Ok" I said falling back asleep. The next morning christen was over she wanted to take me to the mall to get some food and some stuff. So me and her are walking around we decided to have a sleepover at her house.

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