New day New friend

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Komaeda's Pov
I awake to the sound of birds chirping and the sensation of the warm sun on my pale skin, I groggily open my eyes and sit up, still hugging my pillow, and go to the bathroom. I look in the mirror to see my mop of albino hair and Grayish eyes, yep, same as usual. I proceed to tame the mess on my head I call hair, and then decide to brush my teeth and wash my face, I walk out of the bathroom with a little more energy than what I started with. I head downstairs forgetting that I was still in my boxers and t-shirt and head back up to put some pants on and a new shirt on. I make myself some breakfast and eat in peace. I look out the window to see a birds nest full of eggs, I ponder as to how long they may take to hatch, my train of thought is stopped by the chiming of my grandfather clock telling me it was time for me to leave, if I wanted to arrive on time that is. I stand up and wash my plate, after that I make my way to the door grabbing my jacket, school bag, and shoes and then putting them on. I started walking to school on the oh so familiar gray sidewalk, I look around at the cherry blossoms and smile at the beauty that surrounds me, after some time I arrive at Hopes Peak Academy, my school.
As I make my way through the halls people and crowds move to the sides when they see me approaching, as I pass by them I hear some of them whispering names or pointing something out about me. I finally arrive at my class in what seemed to be an eternity of whispers and attempts to trip me, I stand in front of the door and take a deep breath getting ready to hear everyone go silent the moment I step through this door. I put my hand on the doorknob and pull it open, The class goes dead silent, I walk to my seat with heads following my every move. I Sit down and prepare myself for a regular day of not being talked to, other than by the teachers, The teacher starts calling out names which are followed by both "Here!" and "Present!". While the Teacher continues with role calling something catches my eye, I see the door swing open to reveal a boy with brown hair, Olive eyes, and a wide sheepish Smile. The teacher stops and tells the boy he is just on time and to introduce himself to the class, He fidgets a bit and then says " Hello, My name is Hajime Hinata, Glad to meet you all!" His Ahoge then proceeded to wag like that of a dogs tail as he took a seat, specifically the one next to me, I chuckled at this. The teacher continues role call and calls my name, I was too entranced by the boy that goes by Hinata that I didn't hear him.
"Komaeda Nagito!" He yells which makes me almost jump out of my seat, making the students laugh, " Sorry! H-Here!" I stutterer, making Himata Chuckle, My face felt hot for the rest of Homeroom.
Finally the bell rings and I get up last, as to not be tripped as per usual, Hinata then stands as well and begins to walk with me, Strange I think to myself, He then introduces himself once more and asks me if I knew where his classes where. To my surprise they were all my classes, I told him this and he was thankful, for he was new to this academy and therefore needed someone to show him around.
After a long day It was finally almost time to go home, The bell rings signaling that school was over. I pack my things and head towards the door when Hinata stops me, I look at him and ask what he needs in which he responds with "I would like you to be my friend!". My eyes widen and I feel tears starting to prick my eyes, I hold them back and say Yes with a small voice crack, and with that I hug him and tell him about how long it's been since I've heard those words. He hugs back and rubs my back comfortably and then asks if I could walk with him. He walks with me in the brisk January air toward our homes, which happen to be in the same neighborhood, We both say our Goodbyes as we part ways. I go inside my cozy home and lay on my bed and sleep knowing that I finally have someone to talk to after all these years and that I may just have a real friend.
I hope this Fanfic isn't too crappy so far I tried my best to write this but there shall be fluff in later chapters!

"Guess it's my Lucky day.." KomaHinaWhere stories live. Discover now