Another Companion

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Hinata's POV
Laying in my bed I think of the time I've spent so far with Komaeda today, He seems like a nice guy. He showed me around Hopes Peak, Helped me with homework in class, and helped me find my locker which happens to be close by his locker. Overall he seems like a great friend, I really look forward to seeing him at school tomorrow, I put my thoughts to rest as I close my eyes and fall into the soft embrace of sleep.
₍˄·͈·͈˄ ̑̑Time Skip₍˄·͈·͈˄ ̑̑
I wake up to the sound of my alarm ringing extremely loud, I get up and look in my closet mirror and smile " Another great day lies ahead Hajime!" I prepare myself for the day and start walking to school with some time to spare. While Im walking I see Komaeda just ahead of me, I run up and greet him, "Morning Komaeda-Kun!" "Ah, Good Morning Hinata-San." He replies with a sweet tone. We walk side by side towards school and make small talk chattering about the small things in life that no one seems to appreciate on a daily basis. Without even realizing it we quickly arrive at Hopes Peak and soon enough to class, we take our seats and wait. The bell rings signaling the day has started and we all leave for class, I walk through the halls with Komaeda and finally arrive at our destination.
( ᐛ )وTime Skip (again)( ᐛ )و
Our final class is Math, which is ten minutes from being over, Komaeda is silently writing on a small piece of paper which he then proceeds to crumple up and throw at my feet. I look at him with a confused yet amused expression, I open the note, it reads...
Want to go to the park after school?
I write back.
Sure! I'd love to finally get out of the house for once.
I crumple it up and throw it back quickly as to not get caught by the teacher. He picks it up and gives me a gleeful smile which was accompanied by a small tint of Red on his face after reading my response. Right then the bell rings and everyone stampedes out of the class leaving me and Komaeda to pack and set off to walk towards the park. As we walk through the evening breeze we tell jokes and Komaeda tells me about how his Luck is a huge gamble, how his parents died tragically because of it. Komaeda has been through so much throughout his entire life, in the end it's just his luck that decides his fate for him. We soon arrive at the park and I immediately run for the monkey bars, I jump up and get across the bars with ease, Komaeda on the other hand goes for the swings. As soon as I finish the monkey bars I jump down and walk to the swings where I hop on a swing with Komaeda, we swing for a while and talk until we feel it's time to go. We both get off the swings and get ready to walk home, But I spot something unusual, " Hey, Ko..." I say" What is it Hinata- San?" He asks with his head cocked to the side
"Look over there." He turns his head in my direction and gives me an intrigued look.
"Looks like a box, Lets go check it out."
He starts walking towards it and peers inside. As soon as he sees what's inside he gives out a quiet gasp, then turns his head towards me with a baffled look.
" W-what is it?" I say kinda spooked by what might be inside.
" Come look for yourself."
I walk over cautiously and peer down into the cardboard box, Inside was a grey, and small Labrador Retriever Puppy.
"Why would someone do something Like this?!"
I say as I pick up the newly discovered Puppy, cradling it as I give a sad look to Komaeda.
"The world is full of cruel people Hinata-Kun..." He says quietly. There was a long period of silence.
"Can we keep it?" I plead. He looks into the puppies big brown eyes and looks up at me who is smiling like and idiot.
"Fine, but who's keeping it in whose house?" He asks. How about You provide it housing and I'll pay for its food.
" Then I guess We have a deal Hinata."
We take the pupper home and I say my goodbyes to Both Ko and the Puppy, and walk home.
Another day, Another Friend
Aye, hope y'all enjoyed this chapter, I'm trying to update everyday now so look forward to that I guess. Welp, have a good rest of your night/Day, ( ᐛ )و

"Guess it's my Lucky day.." KomaHinaWhere stories live. Discover now