Fear and Comfort

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Quick note: I suggest you guys listen to: Say something- great big world' on loop or something.
Komaeda's POV
All I remember is Hearing my tormentors footsteps as they walk away from the bloody body on the floor, and or me,  and that's when suddenly I lost the ability to hear or see anything, I Black out.
//Komaeda's Mind//
I stand alone in a green and blue room, I look around, There's nothing here. I then hear a voice, "Ko, is that you, my love?" my breath hitches and my eyes widen, "M-Mother, could it b-be y-you?" I whisper. I hear a bark, I whip my head towards the direction where the sound came from, There standing in front of me is my father, mother, and my beloved canine. I swallow the lump in my throat and slowly walk up to them, " M-Mother? F-Father?" " Yes sweetie, we are here for you, we love you so much." My mother stretches her arms out for a hug, I run into her arms but as soon as I do I don't feel the warm body of my mother, it's cold, I look up only to find that my moms face had a huge gash on it, the blood dropped onto my jacket and I quickly pull away from her grasp. I look at my father and he has a very bruised face and a fatal wound on his head, my dog lies on the floor in a huge pool of his own insides as well as a couple of his ribs scattered here and there. " No, no, NOT AGAIN, DONT LEAVE ME AGAIN! PLEASE I BEG OF YOU, I HAVE NO ONE!" I yell as I try to shove my dogs insides back into him in an attempt to save him only to realize that it's impossible, there's no point. I look at my now bloody hands and start to sob, I start to pull my hair in frustration and soon start laughing at how stupid I've been to think I could ever be loved again, my laughing gradually getting louder the more I think about how my life will always be a living nightmare. " Ko?" A shakey voice asks, I look up and see Hinata, I completely forgot about him. "Hinat-" " WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" "Please, this isn't what I looks like!" I plead as I walk up to him, " NO, DONT TOUCH ME!" He backs away. " Hinata plea-" " GET AWAY FROM ME YOU, YOU MONSTER!" I flinch, my eyes start to sting and soon I feel tears dripping down my cheeks, what if I really did kill them, my luck, it all makes sense now. I'm the one who killed my family.
Once again I'm left alone. No one to care for me. My thoughts are interrupted by a bright light, a door lies just ahead of me. I walk to the door and  go through it.

//Komaeda's mind end//
I gasp in air and open my eyes, I look at my surroundings and realize I'm hooked up to several machines and then it hits me, I'm at the hospital. Then as if on cue the horrible memories all start flooding into my brain. I yell in a desperate attempt to escape this place, a nurse rushes in to keep me down, she pages the doctor whom gives me something that made me sleepy.
Time skip to one hour ahead
Hinata's POV
I patiently wait outside of Komaeda's room and try to calm myself. The doctor soon comes out and informs me that I may now see my beloved friend, I go in and see him wrapped in lots of gauze, his face is covered with stitches and patches, it was a truly sad sight. I pull up a chair and sit down, I gently play with his hair and talk to him even though he's not awake, I tell him about how greatfull I am to have him and how I could have stopped this if I've been there. I finally snap and start to sob, I sob for the next few minutes and then I suddenly feel something on my head. I look up at the source of the feeling, Komaeda's hand, and see that Komaeda is awake, the tears continue to slide down my cheeks, he sees this and weakly wipes them off with his thumb. I hug him and start sobbing into his shoulder, " I TH-HOUGHT YOU W-WERE DEA-AD, DONT EVER LEAVE M-ME KO, PLEASE." I'm sobbing very hard at this point, "I only ask that you don't leave me as well..." He trails off. We both continue to hug each other, His albino hair tickles my nose only making me burry my face deeper into his soft fleece hospital robe. I find it comforting and it makes a new feeling erupt from my heart, It's a warm and strangely right kind of feeling, I like it.I cling onto him for dear life, I know that eventually we have to pull away at some point, but for now I'd rather stay in his warm embrace.
I didn't know it, but this was the start of something a little more than a friendship.
Hey what's good, I know I suck at writing in general, but here's some fluff I guess??? I hope you guys liked this chapter, I want to thank you guys for the support too, I really appreciate it!! Have a great rest of your day/night!
(*゚∀゚)っ[.+:。★βyё βyё★.+:。]

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