A Cry For Help

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Hinata's POV
Its lunch time and I'm talking to Komaeda when I have a great Idea, " Hey Ko," he looks at me " Yes Hinata-Kun?" What if we move in together? That way we can both care for Rex at the same time." He smiles " Sure thing Hinata-Kun, I'll head on over to your place to help you pack if you'd like."  I smile at the idea of living with my Best Friend " Yeah that'd be nice."
Komaeda's POV
I hear the bell ring ,signaling that it is time to go back to class, " Hey Ko, I'll catch up with you, I forgot my school bag outside." I nod my head " okay". As I walk through the halls I accidentally bump into someone " oh, I-I'm very sor-" before I could finish my apology I'm pinned to the wall by my neck, I begin to choke and desperately try to get the persons hands off my neck "Hey, look who it is, The SHSL Luckster~" he says In a mocking voice, one of the other boys punches me in the stomach "Heh, guess you're not so lucky this time are you, where's your little boyfriend, what's his face, Hinata Hajime?~"  " DON'T TOUCH HIM" I try biting his hand and succeed but I take a punch to the face this time, and am back at square one.  Im thrown onto the ground, all of the boys start to kick me and call me trash and tell me how useless I am, once in a while I'll hear a "Kill yourself". Just when I think I'm going to die I say one last thing. " Please...D-don't Hurt... Him." I get one more kick to the face and am left on the floor, bleeding, late to class, and hopeless.
Hinata's POV
I run back to the area where Komaeda and I had lunch and found my school bag, I pick it up and walk back to class. As I walk through the halls I hear a cough, I turn around and take the other hall still listening for the cough as I pass another hall I here a Groan. I turn left and there lying in a small pool of blood is my best and only friend, Komaeda. I drop my school bag and quickly run towards him, I start panicking at all the blood he may have lost and shake him. "Komaeda." Nothing, I shake him again, nothing. I start panicking at the thought of him being dead, I roll him over and put my ear to his mouth, I feel his hot breath on my ear, a good sign, he's still breathing. I look at him and think of how I'm supposed to carry him. He's so tall, I decide the best way to carry him is Bridal style, I aimlessly run around the halls carrying my best friend who may be dead in the next few hours if I don't find someone who can help. I  desperately look around and find a classroom, I open the door only to find the classroom empty. I find one more classroom and quickly open the door to see a class full of students with baffled looks on their faces, I look at the teacher whom has a terrifying expression on his face, I choke on my words and say " C -call an ambulance" He grabs the phone and dials and ambulance. The teacher then tells one of his students to take me outside the school to wait for help, with Komaeda in my arms we run through what seems like an endless maze of halls, the student introduces herself to me " Hey, I'm Chiaki Namami, what happened to him?" She had a calming voice it was nice, " I-I don't know, I f-Found him on the floor nearly d-dead in one of the halls." We finally reach the school doors and fled outside, there we wait for help to arrive. I look at Komaeda's face, it was pale, very pale. He had blood running down his nose and countless wounds on his stomach, I realize that I'm crying when I see a drops of clear water roll down the side of Komaeda's nose mixing with blood as it drips onto the floor. Chiaki wipes the tears off my face and comforts me. We talk for some time, " Why would someone do this to him... I DON'T UNDERSTAND WHY PEOPLE ARE SO CRUEL TO HIM!" I start to sob. " Komaeda has done some things In the past that not everyone can forgive, like the fact that he threatened to blow up a part of the school just to test out 'hope'. Most are scared of him, others think of him as a coward, But no matter how you see him, He is still just another human." As soon as she finishes her sentence, a siren can be heard, I look up and see an ambulance, They take Komaeda, I hop in the back to be with him for if he wakes up, I wave to Chiaki and mouth a thank you, the paramedics close the doors. I brush the hair off of Komaeda's face and vow that I would never hurt him or let him be hurt like this again, I will stick to his side at all times, I can't let this happen again.
----------------------------------------------Aight so I've been gone for like what, three days? I'm sorry for not posting for some time, I was busy with art requests on Instagram and I'm not gonna lie, I was kinda sucked into LeafyisHere's Videos hehe. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter

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