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Person A must find a new job after being laid off from a café. A finds work as a caregiver for Person B, a cynical former banker  who was completely paralyzed by a motorcycle accident two years prior.  At first, B reacts coldly to A's spunkiness, but they soon become  friends and develop feelings for each other, even though A has an  unthoughtful, marathon-running partner (person C?).

A learns that B has given their parents six months before they  must bring B to Switzerland for euthanasia. B cannot deal with the  pain and suffering of their disability. A secretly makes it their  mission to change B's mind and takes B on all the adventures that A  can to prove that life is worth living. B tells A about their favourite place to be; a square in Paris. A suggests they go there, but B declines, saying they want to go there as the person they used to be, not in a wheelchair. To celebrate A's birthday, B buys them a pair of bumblebee tights, something they always wanted. However, at their final trip to  with B's nurse, B confesses they intend to follow through with the euthanasia and asks for A to accompany them.

A is heartbroken and does not speak to B the rest of the trip.  After they arrive home, A realises they love B, and want to be with them, A goes to Switzerland to see B in their final  moments. After B's death, B bequeaths A enough money to continue their  education and instructs A to "live well" in a letter that A reads, whilst wearing their bumblebee tights in the square in Paris.

"Please know that I'll be with you,

Every step of the way."

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