Chapter 5

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Chapter 5~ Doctor's Surprise

Sarah's POV

I am now two months pregnant and I'm starting to show. Thank god its cold out so I can wear loose fitted sweaters to school. I don't want anyone knowing about the pregnancy yet, because I know once they do, I will be judged for the rest of the year.

Niall and I walked to lunch and sat down at a table with Alice, her boyfriend Jack, and a couple of our other friends. Alice, Niall, and my parents were the only ones that knew about me being pregnant.

Niall wrapped his arm around my waist and gently rubbed small circles around my stomach. Ever since I started to show about a week ago, this is all he does. He is in love with this baby just as much as I am.

Later today, we have a doctor's appointment to get an ultra sound to check out the baby. I can't tell whether I am nervous or excited, I think it may be a little bit of both. I know Niall is excited, he keeps whispering in my ear that he can't wait to get there.


We finally get to the doctors office, and I go up to the front desk to sign in. I go back to sit with Niall and wait to be called.

Niall rubs his hand on my baby bump and I look down, still not believing I have an actual human being inside of me. Then out of nowhere Niall kisses me bringing me out of my deep thought.

"Sarah Stuart?" A very nice lady called from the doorway.

Niall and I got up and followed the woman down the hallway and into a room.

"Hi, my name is Jenny. I will be your doctor today!" Jenny smiled at me. "Now are you the father?" She asked Niall.

"Yes, my name is Niall, nice to meet you Jenny." He replied, shaking Jenny's hand.

"That's wonderful that you're sticking with Sarah, she's beautiful, you'd be a fool to leave." Jenny said to Niall.

"I would never leave her, and she's beyond beautiful, Jenny."

I blushed a little at Niall's comment, but got distracted when Jenny spoke again.

"Alright, well Sarah, are you ready to begin?"

I nodded my head in response.

I lifted up my shirt revealing my petite baby bump, and Jenny squirted the cold gel onto my stomach. I flinched a little at the coldness of the gel, but after a minute I got used to it.

"Everything seems to be looking good, the baby looks healthy." Jenny told me and Niall.

"That's good, when will I get to know the gender?" I replied quietly.

"Usually, we find out around 4 months, in the second trimester." She said with a smile. "Oh my! What's this?" She suddenly said.

" there something wrong Jenny?" I asked immediately.

There can't be something wrong. This is my child we are talking about here. I looked over at Niall who was just staring at me, not saying a single thing. I looked back over at Jenny, who was sitting there quietly smiling.

"Sarah, Niall, you're having twins!"

"Twins?!" Niall and I said together.

"Yes! You guys are going to have two bouncing bundles of joy!" Jenny said excitedly.

Once we finished the check up, we thanked Jenny and went out to the car.

I can't believe it. I have two babies growing inside me. That means I will show even more!

You know, I am actually really excited to have twins. I've always wanted twins, one boy and one girl. That way I could have my special little girl and boy at the same time.

We drove back to my house in silence. Once we got there, we went straight to my room and closed the door. I walked over to my bed and laid down, Niall came and laid next to me. He leaned in and gave me a soft kiss and pulled away.

"Can you believe we're having twins?" He gently whispered into my ear, and with that I dozed off.

Author's Note

Woah! They are having twins! That's some crazy stuff, haha. Well I've decided to continue this book, along with my other 'Zayn Malik is my Boyfriend', so please read them! Comment, vote, whatever! Also guys, I started a new story, called 'Not Your Typical Bad Boy'. Please check it out and tell your friends!



You know what to do (:

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