Chapter 6

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Chapter 6~Twins!

Niall's POV

Not only am I the father of one baby, but two. That's insane.

There's just one thing I have to do, keep him away from her.

But how?


Sarah's POV

I had to have my mom drive me into school this morning because Niall was busy with something.

Once I got to school, I waited near my locker for Niall, but he didn't show up. Something must be going on, he never misses a day of school, like ever.

I tried not to think too much of the fact that Niall wasn't here, but it seemed to be the only thing running through my mind. The bell rang signaling the end of first period and my phone vibrated in my pocket.


To: Sarah

If you want him back, you must do what I say. Have a good day princess (;

My heart stopped. Who would do this to him? What about the babies? I can't raise them by myself!

I finished my day at school and went straight home, the first thing I did was text Niall.

Me: Hey babe, where are you?

An hour went by and there was still no reply. I started to get really worried, because first Niall didn't show up to school, and now he isn't answering my texts? Something must be wrong.

Unknown POV

I look over at Niall unconscious on the couch and silently laugh. He's such an idiot sometimes. Did he really think he could get away with this?

What is 'this' you ask? Well, you will just have to try and figure that one out on your own.

I hear Niall start to move on the couch and go into the other room. While I'm in here, I'll text Sarah.


To: Sarah

Look in your mailbox, and wait for my next text, telling you what to do with this information. Have a good day princess (;

A couple minutes go by and I finally get a response from Sarah.

From: Sarah

Who is this? What did you do to Niall?

She is so clueless, just like Niall. Speaking of Niall, I should go check up on him.

I walk into the living room to find Niall gone, and the door wide open. Shit! How did I not hear him leave? He will not get away with this, and I will just pull Sarah deeper and deeper in this.

Niall's POV

I woke up in their apartment, but they weren't around. I thought I got away from them before I moved here last year. I looked around and didn't hear anyone, so I quietly stood up and opened the door, running away as quick as I could.

Once I got out of the building, I called Sarah immediately.

"Hello? Babe where are you? Are you okay?" Sarah said immediately.

"Yes, I'm okay, but I need you to come pick me up as quick as you can, don't ask any questions. I'll explain everything some other time. I'm right outside of town in the new apartment building parking lot. Please try and hurry." I said as calmly as possible.

"'I'm leaving now, I'll be there soon." She rushed and hung up before I could respond.

As long as he doesn't get to Sarah I will be okay. I will do whatever it takes for her to stay safe.

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