Chapter 10

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A/N: Okay I am extremely sorry for not posting. I have been really busy with school and all my activities outside of school, but I finally found the time to write! I'm soo sorry it took so long!

Sarah's POV

I have never been this nervous in my life. I'm praying that we have a boy and a girl, because that's what I've wanted ever since I was a little girl. But right now, I don't even care what we have, I will be happy either way.

"Well, Sarah and Niall, you are having...a boy and a girl! Congratulations!"

I can't believe it. I'm having a boy and a girl. This has been my dream ever since I was a little girl. This is really happening.

I must've dozed off, because the next thing I knew, the nurse was cleaning off my stomach and it was time to leave. Niall entwined his fingers with mine, and we walked out of the doctor's office with two huge grins on our face.

Niall's POV

I couldn't be happier that Sarah and I are having a boy and a girl. Sarah will have our daughter to do all the girly things with and I will have our son to do stuff with.

In less than six months, little Sophia and Cameron Horan will be here.

*Later that day*

It totally slipped my mind that it was New Year's Eve. I have been so preoccupied with all this baby stuff that I forgot what day it was!

Sarah and I got back from the doctor's and she went upstairs to take a nap. I figured this would be the perfect opportunity to call people and see what parties were going on tonight.

I called all my friends from school and found out that there was going to be a party at Jake's house tonight. After thinking about it, I decided we wouldn't go to a party. I don't want Sarah to get hurt, or the babies, so we will just stay home tonight.

Sarah finally woke up from her nap and came downstairs to join me on the couch. She sat down next to me, cuddling up against me and started playing with her ring on her finger. I smiled to myself because I know I will get to spend the rest of my life with her, and once we have our babies, our family will be perfect.

Sarah and I decided to go to the store to get some snacks for tonight, even though its only going to be the two of us.

We got back in the car, and my phone started to ring, the name of the Real Estate agent flashing on the screen.

"Babe, who is that?" Sarah asked curiously.

"It's one of my mom's friends, she must be looking for my mom, I'll call her back later." I said, covering up the truth.

"Okay, sounds good." she said, placing her head against the window to rest.

The truth is that I have been trying to surprise Sarah. I have been looking for apartments for the four of us to move into after the babies are born. I have talked to her mom about it, and she agrees that we should get our own place because that's the best way to learn how to take care of a baby, two in our case.

We pulled up to the house, and right when I was about to get out of the car, my phone rang again. This time though, it wasn't the agent. It was him. I told Sarah it was just my mom and had her go inside with the food before I picked up the phone.

*Phone Call*

N- I thought I told you to stay away from us and leave us alone.

A- Now why would I do that? It's so much fun bothering you. I even get to see Sarah's beautiful face too, so it's a win win situation for me.

N- If you ever lay a hand on her, you're dead.

A- Oh, you know you wouldn't do that. Not with all the valuable information I have, right son?

N- What do I need to do for you to leave her alone? As long as Sarah stays out of this, I won't try anything against you. And once I'm done with whatever it is I have to do, I want you out of both of our lives, understand?

A- No promises son, we will just have to wait and see what happens. I will text you the details for your next assignment. Have a wonderful day.

*End phone call*

I wanted to kill him so bad, but he has information I've been dying to know. I have been working for him for two years, and he still won't give me any of it.

I walk inside to see Sarah rubbing her stomach and talking to the babies. I was about to say something when the doorbell rang.

Sarah stood up and walked towards the door to open it, and when she did, I couldn't believe who was at the door.

A/N: Okay sorry this chapter is kinda short. So what do you think? They are having a boy and a girl! Ahh this is so exciting! But, who do you think the mystery person is? Any guesses? And what information does Niall want from him??

I'll try to post again soon, if you guys ever want to talk, just message me! I'll try and respond as soon as I can (:

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