Dead Love (Skylox)

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"Okay, don't forget, never turn your back on your enemy without making sure he's dead. Understood?" the recruits nodded and started to round up their things and then left. Sky looked up at my window but I quickly moved away so he couldn't see me. Ever since that damn vampire turned me into this monster I am now, I refused to leave my room. No one has seen me in weeks but that's probably for the best. I walked to my bathroom and looked in the mirror. My already red eyes were bright blood red and my pale skin looked deathly white. I looked at my teeth and the fangs grew from where they were hiding.

A pounding on my door shook me out of my thoughts. I knew it was Kermit, he's the only one who bothered to check on me everyday, bring me food that I can't even eat. "Deadlox, food's here." I heard him sigh when I didn't answer the door, as if it was different from any other day. "Come on, it's been three weeks, are you ever going to come out?"

"No." my voice hoarse from not using it often. I heard him put his head on the door.

"Please open the door." I sighed, he was right. I slowly turned the lock, but didn't open it. I walked back to the window and stared outside. I heard the door open but shut quickly and re-locked. "Thanks."

"Kermit.. I'm a monster, why aren't you scared of me?" I ask, turning around, seeing his blue eyes meet mine. He looked the same, having on his white suit making him look greener than he actually was.

"I am not scared because I've known you for a long time Deadlox, you're still the same person, even if you are a vampire." he grinned and I laughed and smiled. "Hungry?"

"Im starving for something other than food." I said as I sat down my bed. He walked over and sat next to me. He held out his wrist and I looked at him.

"I trust you." I nodded and pressed my lips to the skin of his rest and I sunk my fangs into his wrist. The blood touched my tongue and I drunk and drunk. I heard a moan leave his lips and my lips left his wrist. I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around his wrist. "I... I think you may have taken too much.." his voice mumbled. I quickly pushed him down on the bed and I looked him in the eyes. He leaned up and captured my lips with his. He moaned and licked his lips, asking for entrance. He opened them and we battled for dominance. I pulled away so he could breathe. He shut his eyes and soon fell asleep. I laid next to him and stroked his cheek. I closed my eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

I woke to someone sitting up beside me. I looked over at Kermit who looked rested and less pale. "Hey, are you okay?" he looked over at me and nodded. He leaned in and captured my lips with his again. I moaned and dragged him over to me so he was above me. He took my headphones off and threw them to a corner of my room. I started unbuttoning his shirt and felt his smooth chest. He moaned and lifted my shirt above my head. His hands traveled all over and slowly started moving downwards.

He laid back next to me, breathing hard. I, myself, was gasping for breathe. I glanced over to the clock and it read 12:28 am. I took his hand and pulled him off the bed with me. "Ugh, where are we going?" he grumbled and I laughed.

"We're going downstairs. You haven't eaten yet." he just sighed and I laughed, grabbing his clothes and throwing it to him. He lazily put them on and I grabbed my boxers and pants and slipped them on. I put my headphones and headed for the door. I unlocked and opened it just to hear chaos that was happening downstairs. I put my finger to my lips as we listened.

"Did you find him yet?!" we heard Sky scream at someone.

"No, we probably aren't going to find him Sky! A vampire probably got him!!" screamed Jerome. I laughed to myself and he hit me. He started to walk out of the room and he grabbed my hand and dragged my out of my room. I slowly closed my door and we walked hand in hand to the stairs and he walked down, grabbing the attention of everyone in the room.

"KERMIT!" I heard a few voices shout.

"Uhh, hi?"

"Where the nether were you?!" Sky questioned.

That's when I descended down and heard gasps fill the room.

"Deadlox?" i heard a few voices.

"Sorry, he was with me and he fell asleep." I told them and I felt arms around my waist to see that Sky was hugging me. "haha, I've missed you too Sky." I said as I hugged him back.

"Why were you locked up in your room this whole time?" he asked as he let go of me. Shoot, I forgot only Kermit knows.

"Remember that Vampire a few weeks ago?" he nodded. I opened my mouth and let my fangs fall out and show themselves. Sky gasped and backed up along with everyone else. Kermit stayed by my side and I sighed. I knew they would do this. I turned around to go lock myself in my room but Kermit grabbed my hand when I was about two steps up and he lead me back down. He smiled at me but I didn't have the energy to smile back. "I'm not going to hurt any of you if that's why you're backing up. I'll leave if you want me too." I looked each and everyone of them in the eyes.

Sky cleared his throat, "No, you aren't leaving. You're my best friend and I've known you for way to long for this to be a problem." he smiled and he came up for another hug and I hid my head in the crook of his neck and breathed in his scent. I smiled and wrapped my arms around his waist. We stood like that for a minute or two.

"Deadlox, you mean a lot to all of us. Why do you think we would want you to leave?" Mitch asked, taking a step towards me.

I shrugged, "I.. I didn't really think of it. I guess because I'm not human and a monster." I sighed and I heard Jason laugh. "What's funny about that?" I looked up and glared at him.

"I'm laughing because you're saying that you're not human. I'm not human, Jerome's not human, Kermit's not human and Husky's not human. Why does it matter if you're not human?" I was taken back and realized that he was right. Half the team wasn't human, what's one more?

Sky laughed and nodded. "The only difference is that you were human. You're just cooler and more dangerous now." I laughed now too.

"Better watch out then." I pushed Sky, softly, but it still made him back a few steps and fall to the ground. "Opps, sorry, still not sure how strong I am." I laughed and helped Sky up in about two seconds, causing him to lose the breath in his lungs. "Or how fast I am." he grinned.

"I guess we'll have to figure that out tomorrow then." I nodded and just stood there awkwardly for a moment.

"I'm going to bed." Mitch yawned and grabbing Jerome's hand and dragging him upstairs.

"Looks like someone's going to get laid tonight." B.M. commented and then said he was going to bed. Everyone soon said their good nights and went to their rooms. It was just Sky and I standing there, staring at each other.

"Are we... Are we still together Deadlox?" Sky asked, looking at his feet. "I just... Want to know because it looked like you and Kermit had something going on." I looked at him and sighed. I ran up to him and pushed him against the wall. He gasped, giving me a chance to shove my tounge in his mouth. He moaned and I gave him a chance to breathe. He leaned his forehead against mine. "Deadlox, I love you."

I backed up and looked at him. He never told me that before and it stunned me. "Sky..."

Dead Love (Skylox) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now